[spectre] 1958-2008 Opportunity 2

franck ancel info at franck-ancel.com
Mon May 5 01:01:50 CEST 2008

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The launch of my artistic project "1958-2008: from Philips Pavilion to 
Explorer Art ",
will be created this year from a site of the French techno-scientisfic 
conquest, listed as part of the national heritage,
I can not write more because I am currently finalizing the authorizations,
but I can already tell you that the site is monumental enough for this 
new "explosion "
coming after "1957-2007: from Satellite Sputnik to Explorer Art "(*).

To become partners info at franck-ancel.com

While waiting for more information, you can watch:
"Electronic Poem" by Varèse, Corbusier, Xenakis

All the best, FA

(*) http://www.franck-ancel.com/atx/index.php?2007/10/02/35-sputnik-day

Born in 1970, France, Franck Ancel lives in Paris. He has been probing 
technology for more than fifteen years. He has traced the development 
from the avant-gardes artists of the last century to the recent 
mutations of creation on a planetary scale. He has thus organized and 
coordinated symposiums, expositions, and performances in cooperation 
with associations and institutions. The last one was a retrospective on 
Jacques Polieri, the creator of ”modern scenography,” at the BnF, Paris. 
Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Ancel has set up an interactive, 
participative triptych, "A.I.T.", probing architecture, image, and 
technology on 20th Century heritage sites. In 2005 he concluded a cycle 
of five communications for five continents entitled "From Scenography to 
the Planetary Network" with its world premiere broadcast live on the 
Internet from a plane traveling between Shanghai and Munich. In 2006 he 
pursued this idea with the conference "From scenography to planetary 
network for Shanghai 2010" held in Silicon Valley as part of 
ISEA/ZéroOne. He has just captured digital data in front of five 
Guggenheim museums for his latest creation, 5G. In 2007, Ancel created a 
homage to Sputnik for October 4th, date of the fiftieth anniversary of 
the first object put into orbit around the planet.

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