[spectre] Arts and Sciences

burbano at alleati.com burbano at alleati.com
Tue Mar 7 12:00:43 CET 2006

a spectre is visiting art and science ralation



only simple ideas, questions and data:

1. interaction:

interaction between science and art is not an issue, is an uncountable
collection of historical interactions,  - one of them is, of course, the
problem of articulation in the academic scene, every academic environment
has limitations and sometimes incompressible rules ... but there are also
honest shared questions between scientists and artists.

2.  third  culture:

sciences are social sciences and natural sciences and may be more, please
check  the third  culture issue, by Snow and revisited by Diebner
(performative science) among others.

3. context:

is interesting, some problems and issues of the interaction between arts
and sciences appear in similar scenarios in first and third world

4. one recommendation:

last year I had the pleasure to know a collection of colors, of books,
well, colors and books:
the red book, the yellow book, and so on ... of Einstein meets Magritte.
This collection is for me one of the most interesting publications about
arts and science interaction. It was edited by Diederik Aerts, Humbert Van
Belle, Jan Van der Veken ...

is Kluwer Academic Publishers (really expensive, but really interesting)

5. one question:

somebody in spectre was involved in this seminar or publishing initiative?
I need to know more about  Einstein meets Magritte.

all the best

saludos a todos !!!




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