[spectre] criticalsecret and the Flash festival-florilege-in Paris

Aliette Guibert guibertc at criticalsecret.com
Tue May 24 02:18:02 CEST 2005

Festival awards @ Paris May 29 (referendum same day:)

Flash is not free but Flash can be (:free:); anyway new Flash code allows
more and more autonomy regarding multimedia plasticity -instead of php
data-cool and light but asking connexion-... so, in a certain way, Flash
appears a critical tool of research tributing in any good questions to the
Free software.

That was exactly the experiment of the designer and of the code developer
concerning the metacinema in Flash : Refrain themselves from the appeal of
php data to integrate a multimedia éditorial line of contents in full
spacetime of interactive films and in the size of the screen.


Quote the designer:

    "War, clashes, destruction, chaos in one hand - Lacanian psychoanalysis
in the other - The heart of all troubles is Resistances.

Resistances, In The Heart of Troubles is the #14 issue of the
transdisciplinary critic online review: www.criticalsecret.com.

The hypermedia is structured by 17 short films randomized, calling in mind
about war, destruction, chaos; but also warfare, struggle and matter

Each interactive short owns his symbolic meaning regarding the editorial
content directed by Yasmine Grasser with his lacanian psychoanalyst
collegues (struggling at the time against the french psychoanalysis
evaluation program and the end of the psychoanalysed person's anonymity).

Navigation into the content goes from short film to an other, from a
prologue showing a deep night sky as a metaphorical starter
(universe/matter) to an epilogue closing the session showing an anonymous
crowd as the metaphorical conclusion (persons/objects/matter; seen here in
potential destruction and therefore potential Resistance).

The hypermedia's look & feel is deliberetely decorativeless, pure and not
using contemporary typefaces or A.D. gimmicks, trying to concentrate user's
focus on emotion and global meaning of what is manipulated, seen, readed and
heard. Gallien Guibert"

Criticalsecret has just learnt that it is not winner but happy one of the
three final selections in the field "Net Art"; as a matter of fact the site
is linked the same as 17 others all (total all fields) in the site of the

Here is the link and to see all


Visual and sound Design in Flash, Gallien Guibert
gallien at thegenre.com

Flash code and integration, Fabrice Depoix
fabrice at glucoz.com


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