[rohrpost] Czech Center Berlin Celebrates 15 Years One World Echoes
Natalie Gravenor
gravenor at eyzmedia.de
Don Nov 14 22:14:00 CET 2013
*DocuMonday: One World Echoes *
Our traditional DocuMonday is now followed by DocuTuesday. On both days
the Czech Center Berlin presents the OneWorld Echoes program, a
selection of documentary film highlightsscreened at the One World
International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival 2013 in Prague.
Join us on a journey around theworld to unknown places or rediscover
them through the eyes of the filmmakers. We travel with Klára Taskovská
and Lukáš Kokeš to Transnistria (Pevnost / Fortress); Marc Isaacs shows
us the situation of migrants in Britain(The Road: A Story of Life and
Death), and Vitalij Manskij offers us insight into the trials of
everyday life in Cuba (Patria o muerte / Motherland or Death).
The films shown in One World Echoes report about countries in which the
People in Need Foundation, the NGO co-organising, are running human
rights and developmental aid projects. All film screenings are followed
by Q&As with the filmmakers. One World Echoes is touring in co-operation
with Czech Centers from May to December 2013 in several European cities
from Brussels to Warsaw.
Free entrance
Czechpoint - Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin
Wilhelmstr. 44
10117 Berlin
Pevnost / Fortress
CZ 2012, 70 Min., OmeU
Dir: Klára Taskovská and Lukáš Kokeš
Just a few kilometers east from the European Union border, right between
Moldova and Ukraine, lies Pridniestrovian Moldovan Republic. Thin strip
of a land on the left bank of the Nistru river with 518 000 citizens is
not recognized by any other country. On this officially non existing
territory a professional film has never been shot. Framed by the time of
presidential election, Fortress focuses on a couple of characters being
stuck in this Geopolitical gap, in between European Union and Russia, in
between capitalist present and soviet past, crime and decency, decadence
and hope for change.
Monday, 18.11., 6.30 p.m.
The Road: A Story of Life and Death
Dir: Marc Isaacs
UK 2012, 78 Min., engl. OF
A fascinating and intimate insight into the lives of people who have
come to London from afar in order to seek a better life and struggled to
make the city their home. There's a young Irish woman who dreams of
becoming a singer; an elderly Jewish woman who fled Vienna when Hitler
was in power; and a glamorous retired German air stewardess living with
her estranged husband. Wonderful moments of humour are fused with
heart-breaking scenes that reveal broken dreams. The Road: A Story of
Life and Death is a study of immigration that manages to be highly
affecting, whilst avoiding being polemical or didactic.
Monday, 18.11., 8:15 p.m.
Patria o muerte / Motherland or Death
Dir: Vitalij Manskij
RU 2011, 99 Min., OmeU
"Patria o Muerte" -- Vaterland oder Tod. Der Titel dieses visuell
beeindruckenden Films geht auf eine Losung der kubanischen Revolution
zurück. Vor dem Hintergrund bröckelnder Fassaden und am Beispiel
mehrerer Schicksale beschreibt der renommierte Dokumentarfilmer Vitalij
Manskij die komplexen Verhältnisse im heutigen Kuba. Als das Regime den
eisernen Griff etwas lockerte, begann sich die "Insel der Freiheit"
langsam der Welt zu öffnen -- für viele Kubaner ist sie jedoch noch
immer ein Gefängnis, wo es die Lebensmittel auf Zuteilung gibt und ein
Leben in würdigen Bedingungen eine Illusion ist. Die Träume der heutigen
Senioren, die vor fünfzig Jahren Fidel und seinem kommunistischen
Experiment vertrauten, zerschlugen sich in Not und Mangel. Die Kinder
dieser Revolutionäre folgen noch immer den Idealen der Revolution,
jedoch nicht mehr mit absoluter Überzeugung. Die jungen Leute genießen
eher die kleinen Freuden inmitten der Hoffnungslosigkeit des Alltags.
Während viele Kubaner sich nach einem Leben außerhalb Kubas sehnen,
kommen die Touristen auf der Suche nach dem speziellen Kick gerne hierher.
Tuesday, 19.11., 7 p.m.
EYZ Media GmbH
Natalie Gravenor
Koepenicker Strasse 154
D-10997 Berlin
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
HRB 136979 B
Tel.: +49-30-2431 3037
Fax: +49-30-2431 3031