[rohrpost] On Air – Quick theses on “on air“, time and broadcasting dreams + a download

Sandra Boll sandra_b74 at yahoo.com
Sa Feb 11 22:41:26 CET 2017

da hat sich wohl jemand mächtig verlesen! 
bei den freien radios in berlin und brandenburg sind nicht mal 2,7 mio euro angekommen. selbst mit 270.000 € wäre schon eine menge möglich in dem sektor in beiden bundesländern.

das medienboard ist nicht die medienanstalt und die 27 mio. euro wurden für "die Förderung von Filmen, Festivals und weiteren Vorhaben ausgegeben. Das meiste davon ist in rund 100 Filmprojekte geflossen, darunter 42 Spielfilme und fünf Serien" ausgegeben.

prüfe deine quellen: https://www.medienboard.de/infothek/aktuelle-meldungen/aktuelles/News/detail/News/erfolgsjahr-2016-fuer-den-deutschen-filmstandort-nr-1-kommerzielle-kulturelle-filmerfolge-fuer-berlin-brandenburg/

n0name at gmx.de <n0name at gmx.de> schrieb am Sa, 11.2.2017:

 Betreff: [rohrpost] On Air – Quick theses on “on air“, time and broadcasting dreams + a download
 An: rohrpost at coredump.buug.de
 Datum: Samstag, 11. Februar, 2017 17:07 Uhr
 On Air
 Quick theses on “on air“, time and broadcasting dreams +
 a download
 Airtime theoretically and practically offers a »meta
 subjective« and non-individual actionism/activism insofar
 as every broadcast could be compiled – even down to a
 matrix of seconds – from several audio media from a
 library fed by actionists/activists. This got to be no
 collective DJing, but why not? Actionism must not end in
 activism. The World Radio Day comes closer ... and “Radio
 is [really] You!“?
 Concerning a colaborating radio, understood as an
 associative, controversial social field and not as an array
 or a simple corporative heavy roation or productions of
 singulars, such “open broadcast software for scheduling
 and remote station management“ (manual Airtime 2.5.1,
 2017) exactly deals with a techné which is form, content
 and organisation at the same time – some three of the
 elements of the political dimensions of for instance
 frequency radio, streaming, podcasting, audio demand, real
 time and or live etc.
 “Same time“ of course does not mean time is simply
 inherent here. It goes NOT without words: one has to
 organise or just get such time which is equal money equal
 material equipment. But the problem is not just equipment,
 like a sort of printing press, as some radio maker was
 saying in Berlin at the radio meeting “#zwcm2014“ near
 the river Spree. Questions of infrastructure can not
 substitute political issues, but changing structures can
 change the politics of radio.
 Jochen Fasco, director of the TLM (Mediaboard Thuringia,
 Germany) in 2014 was giving the audience, packed with free
 non-commercial radio producers, the dystopian advice to take
 over when public media would fail in crisis. What does this
 lead-in mean playing such a second fourth estate?:
 The dream of free radio activists, extended by 1 hour
 airtime with a MPC-Clap[1]
 The Mediaboard Berlin-Brandenburg has spent almost € 27
 millions in support of free radio, discussions on politics
 of media and other purposes. Of it € 23 millions went to
 10.004 radio projects including 4.200 audio workshops and
 5.000 documentations the Mediaboard informed. The grants
 would have adressed more than 128 thousand participants.
 Further the broadcastings had reached about 14.5 million
 listeners in 2016. In Berlin and Brandenburg subsequently
 additional radio soviets had been found.
 Download or stream MP3 “dream of free radio activists“,
 orig. traumfreierradiomacher.mp3 (in German, no password
 [1] This text is a translation of a rewritten text taken
 from a teletext by German TV _3sat_ February 1, 2017. The
 original German rewrite :
 Der Traum freier Radiomacher, verlängert auf 1 Stunde
 Sendezeit mit einem MPC-Clap
 Das Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg hat im vergangenen Jahr
 fast 27 Millionen Euro für die Förderung freier Radios,
 medienpolitischer Diskussionsrunden und weiteren Vorhaben
 ausgegeben. Davon seien 23 Millionen Euro in 10.004
 Radioprojekte geflossen, darunter 4.200 Audioworkshops und
 5.000 Dokumentationen, meldete das Medienboard. Die
 Fördermittel hätten mehr als 128 Tausend Teilnehmerinnen
 Die Radiosendungen hätten 2016 rund 14,5 Millionen Zuhörer
 erreicht, hieß es weiter. In Berlin und Brandenburg hätten
 sich daraufhin weitere unabhängige Senderräte gegründet.
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