[spectre] CFP: CoPDA 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age (Extended Deadline April 30th)

Antonio Piccinno antonio.piccinno at uniba.it
Wed Apr 12 13:38:38 CEST 2023

Call for Papers
CoPDA 2023 - 7th International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in 
the Digital Age: Artificial and/or Human Intelligence: Nurturing 
Computational Fluency in the Digital Age

June 6th, 2023 - Cagliari, Italy

In conjunction with IS-EUD 2023 (https://cg3hci.dmi.unica.it/iseud2023/)

In the Middle Ages, most people were dependent on “scribes”, who helped 
them to write down their thoughts, ideas, and stories, as well as to 
read the material written by other people. Many people today are in the 
same situation concerning digital media: they are unable to express 
themselves, explore problem spaces, and appropriate tools, and act as 
designers in personally meaningful activities. They must rely on 
“high-tech scribes”.
This 7th edition of the CoPDA workshop series will explore new 
conceptual frameworks and innovative computational environments for 
supporting computational fluency allowing people to become independent 
of “high-tech scribes”. The workshop will be in continuity with the 
edition held in 2022 in Frascati (Rome) focused on the relationship 
between AI and Human-Centered Design. An important challenge for the 
researchers getting together in the workshop this year will be to 
explore the foundational idea(s) that these workshops have pursued and 
how they are related to each other. A particular objective of all 
previous CoPDA workshops has been to collectively identify important and 
interesting themes for future workshops and our hope and expectation is 
that this will happen again this year by exploring conceptual frameworks 
and socio-technical environments making Computational Fluency a 
desirable and reachable goal for all citizens.
A student who has proficient skills in computational fluency would be 
able to use strategies together with the facts he or she knows how to 
identify a more challenging problem or another representation of the 
solution. This is a step beyond Digital Literacy, which focuses on 
mastering the tool in use (e.g.: keyboarding, surfing the internet, 
proficiency with digital environments for reading, writing, calculating, 
and communication), and beyond Computational Literacy, which focuses on 
solving known problems in efficient ways, including the use of coding. 
Digital Literacy and Computational Literacy (at least some parts) are a 
prerequisite for Computational Fluency, which emphasizes pursuing 
personal meaningful problems and shared meaningful activities. 
Computational Fluency shows mastery and appropriation of computational 
concepts by allowing one to address new and wicked problems in a 
creative manner. These abilities cannot be formally taught but can be 
nurtured, encouraged, and supported with socio-technical environments 
and education programs that foster reflection, creativity, and sharing.

The workshop aims to discuss Computational Fluency in the Digital Age by 
considering several topics including (but not limited to):
- Computational Thinking
- Design Thinking
- Printed Fluency
- Digital Fluency
- Human-centered AI (HCAI)
- Explainability of AI-based decisions
- Evaluation of AI-based systems
- AI support in everyday work
- ChatGPT: Promises and Pitfalls
- Big data and privacy
- Adaptive, Adaptable, and Context-Aware Systems
- End-User Development and Meta-Design
- End-User Development for AI-based systems
- Design Trade-offs between AI and EUD
- Distributed cognition
- Cultures of participation
- Multi-dimensional aspects of learning
- Collaborative learning
- Educational nurturing

Authors are invited to submit a 6-page position paper using the 1-column 
CEUR template available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip. An 
Overleaf page for LaTeX users is also available at 
The papers can be submitted at: 
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the Program 
Accepted papers will be collected and submitted for publication on 
CEUR-WS proceedings.

Important dates
*- Apr 30th, 2023: Submission deadline (Extended)*
- May 10th, 2023: Notification of acceptance (Extended)
- May 17th, 2023: Camera ready (Extended)
- Jun 6th, 2023: CoPDA 2023 workshop

Organizing Committee
Barbara Rita Barricelli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Daniela Fogli (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy)
Anders Mørch (University of Oslo, Norway)
Antonio Piccinno (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy)
Stefano Valtolina (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)

For any further information, please contact copda2023 at easychair.org
Prof. Antonio Piccinno
Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
via Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari, Italy
Personal Home Page <ivu.di.uniba.it/people/piccinno.htm?>
Tel. +39 080 5442535 / Fax. +39 080 5443300
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