[spectre] CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: The Gobal Composition 2018. Conference for Sound, Ecology, and Media Culture

Sabine Breitsameter, Prof. sbreitsameter at snafu.de
Fri Jun 15 18:37:51 CEST 2018

Submit your proposal:

The Gobal Composition 2018. Conference for Sound, Ecology, and Media Culture


>From 4-7 October 2018 the scientific-artistic conference „The Global Composition“ will take place again on Mediacampus Dieburg (Darmstadt UAS), Germany. Subtitle: „Sound, Ecology, and Media Culture“. Our keynotes shall deal with topics like computer games, gender and voice, aircraft noise and children’s cognitive development, practices and methods of auditory perception.


Check out our keynote lectures and keynote workshops :



You want to join? Check our call for submissions. Your proposals will be double blind peer reviewed by our committee: http://international-media-culture.eu/global-composition-2018/call-for-submissions

All accepted papers will be published in our conference proceedings. The conference is organized by the Research Centre for Digital Communication and Media Innovation (Darmstadt UAS), the Master’s program International Media Cultural Work (Darmstadt UAS), and endorsed by the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.


We’ll, too, have panel discussions and open workshops to discuss acoustic ecology’s future and generational change, in terms of social aims, contents and foci, educational approaches, intellectual frameworks, artistic methods, political strategies etc. 


Within the conference’s framework, we welcome scholarly, scientific and artistic submissions from the whole field connecting acoustic ecology and media culture, including the topic of facilitation and education. We encourage the latter to go beyond notions which identify education merely as the instruction of a subject mastery, but instead understand it as implying to a large extent individual and communal maturation aspects as well as aspects of the formation and strengthening of a personality, group or culture. In this sense, the Latin root of education, educere, means to lead forth; the Latin root of culture, colere, means to plant and foster. Both focus on sustainability. 


We’ll also be inquiring about the major aspects of the generational change in acoustic ecology and Soundscape Studies as well as the role of new audio technologies and Augmented/Virtual Reality as facilitators of auditory awareness. 

The broad spectrum of our call is supposed to bring together a diversity of approaches to the following suggested topics and beyond:
1. Ecological awareness and the furthering of listening
2. Listening, and the ecology of the senses
3. Media critique and listening
4. Methods and notions of listening
5. Educational approaches based on soundscape listening
6. Intercultural and diversity based approaches to soundscape and acoustic ecology facilitation
7. Acoustic ecology, media culture and gender
8. Further developments of soundscape and Acoustic Ecology facilitation in order to meet recent or future necessities and desiderata
9. Experiences with official curricula of soundscape and/or acoustic ecology education
10. Auditory media aesthetic education for the elderly/for socially marginalized groups
11. Soundscape education/facilitation for youths between the age of 12 and 20
12. Sound(scape) design in media and urban space, and its influence on the furthering of a listening culture
13. Soundscape’s role in media culture and cultural media
14. Strategic cultural aspects of listening in media aesthetic education
15. Aspects of politics in soundscape education/facilitation
16. New audio technologies and Augmented/Virtual Reality as facilitators of auditory awareness
17. Critique and perspectives of the technologization of listening/soundmaking in respect to an auditory media culture


Infos and newsletter: http://international-media-culture.eu/global-composition-2018  Join, share & like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Global-Composition-2018-229062201006840/  


You might want to consider staying for extra days to enjoy your time in one of the most beautiful regions in Germany.


Cordially, Sabine Breitsameter 

and the Global Composition 2018 organizational team 


Contact: http://international-media-culture.eu/global-composition-2018/contact

Website: http://international-media-culture.eu/global-composition-2018



Prof. Sabine Breitsameter

Sound und Medienkultur/Sound and Media Culture


Leitung/Director of Master International Media Cultural Work (IMC)

Soundscape- & Environmental Media Lab/3D Audio and Fulldome Media Research


Fachbereich Media/Department of Media

Hochschule Darmstadt/Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences 

Mediencampus Dieburg

Max Planck-Str. 2

64807 Dieburg, Germany 











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