[spectre] The Data Body on the Dissection Table

heath bunting heath at irational.org
Mon May 6 18:54:47 CEST 2013

On Mon, 6 May 2013, Annick Bureaud wrote:

a human being in possession of hair[06065] <- a human being in possession 
of a natural person owner of hair[00260] <- a human being
in possession of a natural person owner of a hair wig[00261] <- a human 
being in possession of a natural person customer of alternat
ive look[00262] <- a human being in possession of a natural person able to 
access the internet network[02739] <- a human being in po
ssession of a natural person user of a mobile broadband internet 
account[00733] <- a human being in possession of a natural person u
ser of a mobile broadband internet contract account[08698] <- a human 
being in possession of a natural person owner of a computer[00
108] <- a human being in possession of a computer[01119] <- a human being 
customer of staples[06246] <- a human being able to provid
e money[04429] <- a human being in possession of money[09647] <- a human 
being in possession of currency money[03643] <- a human bei
ng employed gainfully[04430] <- a human being self employed seller of 
hair[00264] <- a human being in possession of hair[06065]

> Dear Spectrites,
> Early June, Leonardo/Olats moves north to Copenhagen, the time of the round 
> table "The Data Body on the Dissection Table" that we co-organise with the 
> Medical Museion.
> If you happen to be in Copenhagen, we'll be happy to welcome you. All details 
> below.
> Best
> Annick
> ******
> Arts, Humanities, Medicine and Complex Networks
> Evening Event
> Leonardo/Olats – Medical Museion
> June 4th 2013
> Copenhagen, Denmark
> 6:30 – 9 pm
> Dissection reveals what lies beneath the skin, but for a brief moment in 
> time, and for a priviledged few. Depictions, models, and preservations have 
> long been used to share what dissection uncovers; from ancient anatomical 
> drawings to today’s virtual 3D anatomies.
> In the 18th Century skinned “écorché” figures and anatomical waxes were 
> constructed to reveal systems of interlocking bones, balanced pairs of 
> muscles, and delicately entangled traceries of nerves and blood vessels. The 
> Anatomy Lesson by Rembrandt, and the écorché The Horse Rider by Honoré 
> Fragonard are famous examples at the border between medicine, science and 
> art.
> Contemporary medical sciences reveal ever more about the complex systems of 
> the human body – but at a barely perceptible level. The (medical) human body 
> today is understood, tested, and treated as a huge system of data, including 
> complex interactions between our genetic material, our environment, and our 
> host of microbial companions.
> How do we grab hold of this data? How do we make sense of it and communicate 
> it to others? How do contemporary artists and designers give our ‘data body’ 
> material form through images, sound, and touch? What kind of tools are 
> complex networks science proposing, and what kind of body do they reveal?
> The Data Body on the Dissection Table brings together scientists, artists, 
> philosophers, and designers to explore these questions, through roundtable 
> presentations and audience discussion. The event takes place in Medical 
> Museion’s auditorium - the Danish Royal Academy of Surgeons’ former 
> anatomical theater.
> Speakers include Albert-László Barabási (TBC), Distinguished Professor and 
> Director of Northeastern University Center for Complex Network Research, 
> Boston; François-Joseph Lapointe, Professor at the Biological Sciences 
> Department, University of Montreal and Artist; Annamaria Carusi, Associate 
> Professor in Philosophy of Medical Science and Technology at the University 
> of Copenhagen and Jamie Allen, Artist and Head of Research at CIID/Copenhagen 
> Institute of Interaction Design.
> The event is co-organised by Leonardo/Olats and Medical Museion under the EU 
> Studiolab framework, and in conjunction with the Leonardo Day "Arts, 
> Humanities and Complex Networks" satellite event for NetSci 2103.
> Attendance is free within the seat limits, refreshments provided.
> Registration: http://billetto.dk/en/databody
> Date: Tuesday, June 4th 2013
> Time: 6:30 – 9 pm
> Venue: Medical Museion, Bredgade 62 DK-1260 Copenhagen K
> http://www.museion.ku.dk/address/
> Relevant web sites
> Leonardo/Olats (for detailed programme)
> http://www.olats.org/studiolab/studiolab.php
> Medical Museion, Copenhagen
> http://www.museion.ku.dk/
> Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks 2013
> http://artshumanities.netsci2013.net/
> Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks e-Book and web companion
> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007S0UA9Q
> http://ahcncompanion.info/
> StudioLab
> http://studiolabproject.eu
> ______________________________________________
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
> Info, archive and help:
> https://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre


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