[spectre] Tales from Space at basic.fm

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 12:45:00 CEST 2012

Dear friends & colleagues,

I'm glad to announce "Tales from space", my generative video
installation based on the theory of the quantum mechanics (txt:
http://www.basic.fm/?p=1692) will perform at basic.fm on Monday 22
Oct. at 7.47 am (London local time). Program: http://www.basic.fm/

Best regards, Chiara

About basic.fm
basic.fm stands for Broadcast Art, Sound & Independent Culture.
basic.fm is a net radio broadcast project initiated by Pixel Palace.
We are looking after it and nurturing it in the hope that one day it
will grow up to be big and strong. basic.fm stands for Broadcast Art,
Sound and Independent Culture. It is a slow growing project; each
month we add new features and work. We will continue to commission new
work for basic.fm that will sit in the background and play between
timetabled & regular shows

Chiara Passa - new media artist
chiarapassa at gmail.com
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiara_Passa (Ita)
Find me also: http://www.chiarapassa.it/socialnetworks.html

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