[spectre] The second edition of the festival Parallax in Praha 30.11-2.12 2012

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 14:58:10 CET 2012

Parallax – The second edition of the festival Parallax in Praha.

Parallax Festival focuses on stereoscopic 3D film. The aim of the
festival is to familiarize the audience with this technology .
Therefore the screenings of films in S-3D are accompanied by
discussions and lectures.

The festival will present both professional and amateur films. For
authors of stereoscopic 3D films, the festival is an unique
opportunity to show their work.

The festival  will start on Friday 30th November 2012 by  first Czech
feature image in S-3D „Heart Beat 3D“ with the participation of its
director Jan Němec. The festival welcomes the youngest viewers as
well. Whole Saturday morning program is devoted to them.

The festival will screen films from all over the world. We plan to
screen  films for adults from Asian countries on Saturday night. We
looking forward to see you at the second annual festival Parallax
30.11 – 2.12 in Lucerna in Prague.

Website: http://www.parallax.cz

Chiara Passa - new media artist
chiarapassa at gmail.com
http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiara_Passa (Ita)
Find me also: http://www.chiarapassa.it/socialnetworks.html

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