[spectre] LEA Call for papers - Red Art
Lanfranco Aceti
lanfranco.aceti at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:39:52 CEST 2012
>From New Media to Old Utopias: ‘Red’ Art in Data Capitalism?
The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is inviting proposals from
academics, critical theorists and artists for an issue investigating
the relevance of communist utopianism to New Media Art’s ideological
dispositions. Relevant areas of interest addressed by the issue’s
contributors could include, but are by no means limited to:
• Art, technology and social media
• The rise of New Economies and the rise New Media Art
• The working class and affective labour in data capitalism
• New media artworks as commodities: “use” and “exchange” values
• Digital Art and symbolic or cultural capital
• New Media Art’s reaction to the global economic crisis (2008-2012)
• Legal issues and new concepts of intellectual property in Digital Art
• The online democratization of art
• The art of protest: from anti-globalization to the “Facebook
Revolutions” and the “Occupy” movement
• The role of New Media Art in ex-communist countries
• Hacktivism as art: a revolution for the Digital Age?
• Tactical Media and its progeny
• The institutionalization of radical New Media Art
• Histories of leftist aesthetics
Through the synthesis of such diverse points of view, the issue will
attempt to demystify whether and to what extent the art of the Digital
Age is, or could be, the result of the seemingly paradox combination
of capitalism’s products and communism’s visions.
Senior Editors: Lanfranco Aceti (LEA Editor-in-Chief), Julian
Stallabrass (Courtauld Institute of Art) and Susanne Jaschko
Editor: Bill Balaskas (Royal College of Art)
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