[spectre] Invisible Forces: Events at Furtherfield in the Park, in Finsbury Park, London

marc marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sat Jun 9 14:03:10 CEST 2012

Sorry for any cross posting...

Invisible Forces: Events at Furtherfield in the Park


Invisible Forces Events

with Class Wargames, The Hexists, Dave Miller, Olga P Massanet and 
Thomas Cade Aston

All welcome

To accompany Invisible Forces exhibition 
Furtherfield invites all gallery visitors to take part in a programme of 
public play, games, making and discussion led by alert and energetic 
artists, techies, makers and thinkers: Class Wargames, The Hexists, Dave 
Miller, Olga P Massanet and Thomas Aston.

Summer Board Games and Picnic with Class Wargames and Kimathi Donkor

Join us for a day of debate around the leader of the Haitian Revolution, 
Toussaint Louverture, now regarded as an important icon of anti-slavery 
struggles. Class Wargames interviews the artist Kimathi Donkor who 
created the history painting Toussaint Louverture at Bedourete to mark 
200 years since the independence of Haiti. The event will kick off with 
a picnic in the park and continue with an afternoon of collective 
playing of Guy Debord's The Game of War, a Napoleonic-era military 
strategy game where armies must maintain their communications structure 
to survive – and where victory is achieved by smashing your opponent’s 
supply network rather than by taking their pieces.

In a short film by Ilze Black (http://vimeo.com/41627274), Dr Richard 
Barbrook and Fabian Tompsett of Class Wargames interview Donkor about 
the work. Alex Verness from Class Wargames will be documenting the day 
by taking xenographs of participants.

3 Keys - The River Oracle – The Hexists

Cybernetic systems and game theory are about anticipating and 
influencing human behaviour using algorithmic code, databases, social 
media etc - the industries of data-mining, data profiling and data 
protection can be said to be the new 'magic' by which biopolitical 
control of our bodies and identities is maintained.

3 Keys - The River Oracle with The Hexists is a game of chance and 
divination in association with The Moving Forest, Act 0. It attempts to 
invoke the relationship between the divinatory functions of our 
contemporary 'influencing machines' (cybernetic systems and game theory 
using data-mining, data profiling and data protection) and traditional 
magical ones, creating new machines in the process. Using tools such as 
cards, dowsing, stick throwing to interpret phenomena in the landscape, 
historical and current, 'readings' can be cast, allowing associative 
action, language and thought to determine what might happen in the 
future, to create a path, an artwork.

In 3 Keys (version 3), participants will follow the Hackney Brook, an 
old subterranean
river that begins near Finsbury Park and ends up in the 
River Lea near the site of the Olympics, using different exercises to 
interpret the landscape and cast readings. We will 'mark' the route 
along the way with objects and stories and other inscriptions. The river 
is the oracle and we are the transmisson. The documentation and 
divination tools will be made available for display in the exhibition 
after the event.

Technologies of Attunement – Olga P Massanet and Thomas Cade Aston

Olga P Massanet and Thomas Aston have built a custom made VLF antenna to 
monitor ionospheric disturbances caused by solar storms. For this 
exhibition they invite makers and thinkers to participate in a creative 
sprint and come up with ideas on how to make these disturbances felt. 
Whether it's a device, a visualisation, a sonification, or a poem, 
participants will design interfaces to tune into some of the most 
powerful forces that permeate our world.

Dave Miller's Finsbury Park Radiation Walk

Public exploratory radiation walk around Finsbury Park, measuring 
mobile phone radiation levels and discovering what type of radiations we 
are exposed to on a daily basis. As we walk, we will unravel a parallel, 
hidden story of the local area along with technical data and possible 
medical effects of the radiation.
 Participants will measure radiation 
levels, GPS positions and marked levels on a large map of the area, 
creating a collaborative artwork (poster sized map of local radiation) 
to be made available for display as part of the exhibition after the event.

info for dates of events, presentations, discussions, play & workshops

Info about Invisible Forces show

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