[spectre] Call: SCANZ 2013: 3rd Nature

czegledy at interlog.com czegledy at interlog.com
Sat Jan 14 03:34:58 CET 2012

Hello All,

please find below the CALL to SCANZ 2013: 3rd Nature
for a residency, conference, exhibitions and workshops.



Call for projects

The concept of a third space - a zone of hybridity - traverses the  
cultural landscape from the writing of Homi Bhabba in the mid 1990s,  
to Sony advertising (see hypertext.rmit.edu.au/d  
ac/papers/meguire.pdf). Hybridity is now embedded in creative and  
cultural production and consumption.

A space of hybridity can assimilate potentially any set of concepts.  
SCANZ2013 3rdNature seeks to develop a fresh space, carrying memes  
from previous SCANZ events (which have all had an emphasis on  
environment) and other Intercreate projects that have involved  
scientists, indigenous peoples and artists working together. We are  
aiming to build new knowledge and establish legacies around this work,  
unencumbered by old perspectives and distant categories.

We ignore the environmental crisis at our own peril. Integrating the  
indigenous perspective, creative environmental and scientific views on  
the environment is essential for continued human habitation of the  
planet. From these trajectories it is possible to conceive of a fresh  
hybrid space, composed of overlapping elements.

We ask tangata whenua, artists, technologists, teachers,  
environmentalists, scientists, philosophers, educationalists,  
indigenous peoples, technologists and lecturers to contact us with  
ideas for talks, discussions, presentations, residency projects,  
exhibition ideas for gallery space and a botanic garden. And to join  
us on the weekend of January 1st- 3rd, 2013 at a hui to share  
knowledge and build resources.

Important Dates:
Early expression of interest: February 12,  
Residency proposed dates: Saturday 19 January to Monday 4  
Symposium proposed dates: February 1-3, 2013

This is a call for project concepts for the fourth SCANZ residency to  
be held in New Plymouth, New Zealand early in 2013.  Planned are: a  
two week residency and Open Lab beginning with a one night stay over  
at historic Owae marae, an exhibition at Puke Ariki museum, four  
projects in a local botanic garden, a Pecha Kucha night and a three  
day symposium with a presentation evening on the middle night.

This project involves creativity and innovation at the intersection of  
three critical interfaces:
*Acknowledging the environmental crisis
*Engaging with Maori and indigenous peoples
*Engaging the Sciences and Hybrid Arts

These three intersecting dialogues together provide space for a 3rd  
Nature, a fresh space for engaging with new knowledge and approaches  
vital to a sustainable civilisation.

Possible Activities
Exhibition projects - in Puke Ariki Museum
Residency projects at the Western Institute of Technology, Tarinaki  
(WITT) campus
Projects in Pukekura Park Botanic Garden
Workshops at WITT campus or local environs including the beach and parks
Symposium papers and presentations
Pecha Kucha Night
Open Lab at WITT campus

3rd Nature application process
A two-stage process will be used. The first involves developing a blog  
by the applicant. If the project concept succeeds at this first stage,  
a letter of confirmation will be sent to enable fundraising. A first  
selection of projects is expected by the end of January 2012. The  
second stage involves a more detailed level of information. Projects  
that have passed stage one of the processes will be invited to submit  
more detailed application at a later date, which can include requests  
for part funding.

Make a blog
Blog sections (compulsory): Project description (500 words max);  
Image; Relevance (max 500 words); Outputs; CV and bio (one page). You  
can add pages to an existing blog, but it MUST have the sections  
described below.
Email the blog address to ian.clothier at intercreate.org with the  
subject 'Third Nature application'.

1. Project description
Write a project description (max 500 words) of your proposed work for  
SCANZ 2013 3rd Nature.

2. Image
Provide a high quality image. The blog site may restrict you to 800  
pixels wide. This image can be optimized for the web. The image need  
not be directly from the proposed project, which may be in  
development, but it should be representative of your activity working  
with similar themes. If your application passes the first stage, at a  
later stage you may be requested for a higher resolution print-ready  

3. Relevance
In 500 words maximum, explain the relevance of your idea by either  
discussing your project in relation to one or more of the three  
themes. -Acknowledging the environmental crisis;Engaging with Maori  
and indigenous peoples; Engaging with Earth Sciences and the Hybrid Arts
Discuss the way your project contributes to a fresh space for engaging  
with new knowledge and approaches important to a sustainable  

4. Outputs
What are the potential outputs of your project? Select as appropriate:  
Exhibition, Workshop, Symposium, Presentation Evening, Open. Stating  
options does not at this stage guarantee acceptance.
There are six places for exhibition at Puke Ariki, the local  
integrated museum and library, In addition there are four proposed  
places at a local botanic garden which has botanical and network  
resources including a data sensor network connected to an Open Mesh box.
The residency will also involve an Open Lab, for residency  
participants to share and collaborate (interested members of the  
public are welcome). At this time two workshops are proposed, one  
involving low cost electronics, and second involving wind powered art.
A presentation evening is planned on the final Saturday of the  
residency and a three day hui symposium will be held also over the  
final weekend.
5. CV and bio (one page)

Provide a one to two paragraph biography (in the third person)  
followed by your selection of career highlights in the form of CV.  
When copy and pasted, the Bio and CV should not exceed an A4 or US  
letter page.  You can either simply refer to the last few years, or a  
range of years.

Email the blog address to ian.clothier at intercreate.org with the  
subject 3rd Nature application.

SCANZ2013 organising team
Ian Clothier - Producer/Director; Nina Czegledy, Trudy Lane, Tengaruru  
Wineera - Project Executive; Mike Paulin - Art/Science Coordinator;  
Thilani Nissanga - Administrator.

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