[spectre] International Open Call for Residencies at ZK/U Berlin

Samuel Kalika sk at zku-berlin.org
Mon Feb 6 15:35:33 CET 2012

_english version / german version below

  International Open Call for Residencies

KUNSTrePUBLIK is happy to announce its first OPEN CALL for residencies 
at ZKU (Zentrum fuer Kunst und Urbanistik / Center for Art and 
Urbanistics) in Berlin.

The call is directed at artists, scholars and practitioners (curators, 
activists, autodidacts etc.) interested in cross-disciplinary theory and 
practice dealing with the city.

ZKU was founded by several artists from the Berlin-based artists‘ 
collective KUNSTrePUBLIK, offering residencies for artistic practice at 
the interface of urban research. Following a three year process of 
negotiations and reconstructions, and with a lot of support from friends 
and colleagues (Thanks!), the ZKU will open its doors for residents in 
June 2012. Located in a former railway depot surrounded by a newly 
landscaped public park, ZKU seeks to develop projects, co-produce 
knowledge and share values created through exchange. The site has been 
established through a longterm lease allowing independent research, 
programming and production. ZKU focuses on the processes that come from, 
and feed into, the particular contexts of its residents' practice, 
whether they be locally-defined situations or international discourses.

Please check out our website and don't hesitate to distribute the 'Open 

  Open Call Information (English only)

*Deadline for residency applications
*March 31, 2012

*Dates and duration of the residencies
*Starting from June 2012-on, with residencies from 2 to 12 months. We 
will contact applicants within four weeks after the application deadline.

*Applicant Requirements
*Artists should be working professionally in their fields, with a broad 
range of projects and exhibition experience.

Scholars are expected to have attained a level equivalent to a master’s 
degree, and preferably to have some years of professional experience.

Practitioners should have a broad range of professional experience in 
their fields.

Artists, scholars and practitioners can apply individually or as a 
group. We encourage group applications consisting of artists working 
with scholars or practitioners from other disciplines.


ZKU is partly funding the 'Open Call.' Unfortunately, full grants are 
currently not available.
ZKU will support the invited residential fellow in their efforts to 
secure funding through external grants by providing the fellow with an 
official invitation and identifying relevant funding networks. The 
official invitation is valid for at least a year, allowing the fellow to 
find matching funds.

*Depending on the size of the studio-apartement and the length of your 
stay, the resident’s expenses will be between 470 and 880 euro a month, 
covering the costs of your studio-apartment and allowing you to use 
ZKU's spatial facilities 
<http://www.kunstrepublik.de/index.php?id=240&rid=t_1218&mid=97&aC=07021a37&jumpurl=1> (open 
space, communal kitchen, conference space, basement and workshop spaces, 
roofed terrace). You will also be able to present your work and will be 
part of our regular publication.

You should calculate an additional minimum of 400 euros per month for 
yourself, covering food, transportation and leisure in Berlin.

*How to apply
*To apply directly, please fill out the application form found on the 
website and include the required supporting material. The application 
proposal should refer to one of the current themes 
<http://www.kunstrepublik.de/index.php?id=240&rid=t_1218&mid=97&aC=07021a37&jumpurl=2> of 
the ZKU residency program or to an independent research and practice 
proposal (‘Ad Hoc’ theme).

KUNSTrePUBLIK is also offering a three month residency at FUTURA, 
Prague. More info here 

_If you'd like to register for the newsletter, please do so here 
To unsubscribe, please do so here 
<http://www.kunstrepublik.de/index.php?id=240&rid=t_1218&mid=97&aC=07021a37&jumpurl=5>. Join 
us on Facebook 
but don't follow us on Twitter.

_Deutsche Version

  Open Call des ZKU

KUNSTrePUBLIK freut sich nach über 3 Jahren Planung, Verhandlungen, 
Umbaumaßnahmen und Dank der Hilfe von Freunden und Unterstützern den 
ersten Open Call des ZKU (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik) im 
ehemaligen Güterbahnhof Berlin-Moabit bekannt geben zu können.

Der Open Call richtet sich an Künstler, Wissenschaftler, Kuratoren und 
Aktivisten, die ein Interesse an gemeinschaftlicher, 
disziplinübergreifender Praxis und Theorie haben und diese erproben wollen.
Gegründet durch Teile des Künstlerkollektivs KUNSTrePUBLIK ist das ZKU 
ein neues, unabhängiges Denklabor und Produktionsstandort. In 
umfangreichen Umbauarbeiten entstehen hier 13 Atelierwohnungen für 
Künstler und Wissenschaftler, Veranstaltungs- und Lagerflächen, sowie 
ein überdachter Bahnsteig für verschiedenste Aktivitäten. Ab dem 
kommenden Sommer werden neben Symposien, Workshops, Konferenzen, 
Konzerten und Ausstellungsprojekten experimentelle Formate für 
unterschiedlichste Öffentlichkeiten erprobt. Das ZKU versteht sich als 
kollektives Labor: Statt eines Masterplans steht der Prozess und eine 
sich fortwährend neudefinierende Programmatik zwischen lokal verorteter 
Praxis und internationalen Diskursen im Vordergrund.
Das ZKU ist umgeben von einem neu designten, öffentlichen Park mit 
Gemeinschaftsgärten. Der schicken Anmutung dieser neuen Parklandschaft 
setzt das ZKU seinen unfertigen Graffiticharme entgegen. Über einen 
langfristigen Pachtvertrag für kulturelle, gemeinnützige Zwecke ist das 
ZKU unabhängig und wird sich erlauben kritisch die Belange von Stadt und 
Kunst zu hinterfragen.

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