[spectre] Re: (fwd) Sign the Petition: Release Ai Weiwei

"Ryszard W. Kluszczyński" rwk at uni.lodz.pl
Sat Apr 16 11:05:23 CEST 2011

but what has happened to him now is on the level of body, not symbolism 
we should not mix up discourses on human rights with ideological discussions 
anyone arrested for political reasons needs our support
otherwise we play the role of supporters of authoritarian regimes all over the world 
would you really want to play such a role 


Prof. Ryszard W. Kluszczynski, PhD.
Head of Department of Media and Audiovisual Culture
University of Lodz
1-5 Franciszkanska Street
91-431 Lodz
tel  +426655133
fax  +426655132

Wiadomość napisana przez Matze Schmidt w dniu 2011-04-16, o godz. 09:30:

>> are you sure Matze you understand what you are saying?
>> cultural revolution? 
>> you are really sweet
> I don't think that this is somehow sweet.
> Weiwei ist deeply related --and he claims this here and there in
> interviews -- to the Chinese cultural revolution. Of course his function
> as Chinese artist, as symbolic 'worker' in the west is to tell the story
> of the cultural revolution of the 1960s and 70s in a way that it was the
> end of civilization and the true grimace of communism. Hence his
> function is to disavow the nation of China today -- within the framework
> of the fight of the economical declining nations and conglomerates of
> nations (USA, Europe, Japan etc.) against China. Needless to say that
> what he does all happens just on the level of symbolism.
> Matze

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