[spectre] A videoart clip for the Pollino Sky Festival 2010

Francesco Giannico mark_hamn at yahoo.it
Tue Sep 21 09:37:37 CEST 2010

Really excited to annunce this video. 


A work made under the project "Pollino Sky Festival 2010" into the National Park
of Pollino" (South Italy). Thanks to "Pro Loco from San Severino Lucano"
http://www.pollinoskyfestival.it |||||| Music & Video by Francesco Giannico

This video was made using audio and video materials recorded on 31th August 2010 under the project
"Pollino Sky Festival" in the town of "San Severino Lucano, Cresta Madonna del Pollino, Piano di Ruggio"
into the National Park of Pollino. The collection of audio samples elaborated in electroacoustic way
(ambient,folkexperimental genre) represent a a sort of soundscape composition enriching experiences
produced in previous years with "radio listening". Listening the soundscape helps blind people
representing to them an acoustic overview of the environment. The work is enriched with "dark sky"
data acquired through equipment SQM, geolocation data of audio samples with the help of google
maps and bing through the BBC site "Save Our Sounds".

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