[spectre] Media Art Platform newsletter nr. 1

Marieke Istha istha at nimk.nl
Mon Jan 18 12:03:27 CET 2010


Welcome to the Media Art Platform's first newsletter.
The Media Art Platform (MAP) is a website and social network for media 
art enthusiasts, with a strong focus on the Netherlands. MAP is an 
initiative of the Netherlands Media Art Institute (NIMk) and was 
developed with the kind support of the Mondriaan Foundation.

With MAP, we aim to provide a platform for the exchange of information 
about media art among enthusiasts and professionals. MAP offers the 
possibility to write weblogs, to ask questions on a forum, to create 
personal and organisation profiles and to add events to the Dutch media 
art calendar.
Your input is welcome! Do get in touch with us if you would like to play 
an active role on MAP, either by posting your own activities, by being a 
forum host or by writing a weblog about your work and interests related 
to media art.


At this moment, various people are actively blogging on the Media Art 
# Artist Harold Schellinx has blogged about the development of the brand 
new iPhone audio art application Raudio IIIII. He will now continue to 
write about his own work and further projects. >>> 
# Artist Danielle Roberts has written about a media art project she is 
currently developing, which involves the use and development of wearable 
technology. >>> http://www.mediaartplatform.nl/blog/danieller
# Jaromil (Denis Rojo) of dyne.org reports on interesting activities and 
conferences he participated in, and on general themes related to media, 
art, open source and technology. >>> 
# Wiel Seuskens, technical coordinator of the NIMk artlab, is posting 
some useful and handy technical tutorials and pointers. >>> 
# Artist and educator Marloes de Valk (GOTO10) blogged about the make 
art festival 2009 in Poitiers and continues to write about her artistic 
practice. >>> http://www.mediaartplatform.nl/blog/marloes/
# Bas Wijers, MAP intern, and Sandra Fauconnier, MAP coordinator at 
NIMk, are regularly (re)blogging about interesting calls, opportunities 
and publications related to media art in the Netherlands.

In the next months, we expect a few new blogs to start, so stay tuned 
with us. If you would like to write a weblog on the Media Art Platform 
yourself, don't hesitate to send us your proposal: info at mediaartplatform.org


If you are specifically interested in calls and opportunities, be sure 
to visit our blog page on this subject. An RSS feed for this page is 
also available. Some interesting calls at this moment:

# Animation Studio, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (Eindhoven 
University of Technology) and STRP Festival invite artists, designers 
and scientists to submit proposals for developing a new visual language 
for science. Deadline Feb 28, 2010. >>> 
# The Netherlands Media Art Institute has a questionnaire about the 
preservation of display and playback equipment, for organisations, 
archives and individuals who still own or keep such equipment. >>> 

We are happy to post new calls related to media art in the Netherlands. 
Send us your vacancies and opportunities via email; alternatively, you 
can also create an account on MAP so that you can post them yourself.


Some interesting upcoming events in the media art calendar:
# Versions, exhibition at NIMk, Amsterdam, Nov 28, 2009 till Feb 6, 2010
# orbitor, exhibition of works by Mark Bain at de Vleeshal, Middelburg, 
Jan 17 till Feb 27, 2010
# International Film Festival, Rotterdam, Jan 27 till Feb 7, 2010
# Sonic Acts, festival, Amsterdam, Feb 25 till Mar 25, 2010

Representatives of media art organisations, and media artists from the 
Netherlands are very welcome to add their own events to the MAP 
calendar. Create an account, send us an email and we'll grant you 
posting permissions.

[MAP via RSS]

The Media Art Platform offers many RSS feeds, allowing you to follow up 
on updates daily. Some of the feeds are listed here: 

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=91884337878
Twitter: http://twitter.com/map_txt
NIMk: http://www.nimk.nl/

Media Art Platform is developed by The Netherlands Media Art Institute 
(NIMk) thanks to the Mondriaan Foundation.

Feel free to forward this e-mail to whoever you think is interested. 
Don't worry: we do not seek profit, you can change your subscription at 
any time. We will use your address for this mailing only. To manage your 
subscription, follow this link:

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