[spectre] Re: (fwd) Karadzic's website

Matze Schmidt matze.schmidt at n0name.de
Thu Jul 24 15:22:35 CEST 2008

>> btw it's an old trick: first destabilize the country, let others do the
>> war, get in, then bring the warlords to your own court, clean.

> Republica Sprpska didn't bring this particular warlord to their own
> court, so that doesn't really apply.

very very brief and to be discussed:

who destabilized which country?: eu under leadership of frg, usa, etc.,
agent: wto etc. did destabilize yugoslavia

who did the war?: yugoslavia, split into croatia, serbia etc.

who get in?: eu under leadership of frg, usa, etc.

who were the warlords?: karadzic, tudjman and others

who has got the court?: uno/den haag, leaders: usa/eu

who is clean?: eu under leadership of frg, usa, etc.

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