[spectre] (fwd) Stuttgarter Filmwinter: Festival for Expanded Media

Andreas Broeckmann ab at tesla-berlin.de
Fri Jan 11 11:14:04 CET 2008

21. Stuttgarter Filmwinter
Festival for Expanded Media
17. January - 20. January 2008


The 21st Filmwinter Stuttgart, Festival for Short 
and Experimental Film and Media Art is taking 
place from 17.- 20. January 2008. The Filmwinter 
Stuttgart takes up developments and impulses 
within the international filmmaking and artistic 
scene and offers an initial public platform. For 
the first time Media Space will be an independent 
section within the overall Filmwinter programme.

Seven Competition Programmes show the best films 
competing for the "Norman 2008", the "Team Work 
Award" and the Wand 5 Honorary Award. 75 films 
were selected out of the 1,400 submissions in the 
field of film and video. An international jury -- 
Pia Maria Martin (Germany), Torsten Zenas Burns 
(USA), and Mário Micaelo (Portugal) -- will 
select the winners.

Further highlights of the Short Film Supporting 
Programme are the first presentation of Italian 
artist Roberta Torre's body of work, with the 
artist being present at all screenings, a 
presentation of the Swiss Super8 film scene 
curated by Kilian Dellers, and Pop in Video Art 
-- a selection showing works of video art and 
from the huge amount of video clips such as among 
others "How does it make you feel?" -- music: 
Air, "Smiley faces" -- music: Gnarls Barkley, and 
"Bonnie & Clyde" -- music: Brigitte Bardot & 
Serge Gainsbourg.

The Experimental Film Programme HHORRRAUTICA 
curated by Torsten Zenas Burns representing our 
sexual evolution, and APPORTMANTEAU curated by 
Torsten Zenas Burns and Darrin Martin presenting 
video works that take up a language on a bumpy 

In the competition category Media in Space 
international artists compete for a prize of 
2,500 Euros. The spectrum ranges from classic 
video installations to interactive environments 
and media sculptures. The 10-day long exhibition, 
featuring artist such as Peter Bogers and Daniel 
Aschwanden among others, is held in co-operation 
with exhibition spaces Kunstbezirk -- Galerie im 
Gustav-Siegle-Haus, fluctuating images e.V., and 
gez. -- Raum für Urheber.

Artistic works in the field of Net Art, Virtual 
Communities, Interactive Forms of Narration, and 
Artistic Software compete for the "Online Prize". 
14 works, among others by ubermorgen.com, can be 
seen at terminals at Filmhaus Stuttgart during 
the time of the festival. The winners will be 
selected by renown artists Birgit Brenner 
(Germany), Markus Huemer, (Germany), Szabolcs 
KissPál, (Hungary).

As part of Media Space a scientific Symposium on 
the topic "Playgrounds -- Children, Media, 
Space"- will be held at Filmhaus Stuttgart from 
18. --20. January 2008, exploring the relations 
of adolescents and Media as an expanded parlour 

A comprehensive Festival catalogue will be published.

All programmes, texts and dates can be found at 

The Filmwinter Stuttgart and Media Space are held 
and organized by Wand 5 e.V. founded in 1987 as 
an initiative of filmmakers, architects and art 
historians. The aim of the organization is to 
offer an international platform to independent 
film and media culture.

Press Contact:
Yvonne Mielatz, Mielatz_PR
Akazienstraße 30
10823 Berlin
phone: +49 (0)30 - 917 00 954
<mailto:contact at mielatzpr.de>contact at mielatzpr.de

Wand 5 e.V.
Friedrichstraße 23 a
70174 Stuttgart
Fon: +49 (0)711 - 99 33 980

Supported by
Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg
Europäische Kommission - MEDIA Programm
LFK -- Landesanstalt für Kommunikation Baden-Württemberg
Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg
Marli-Hoppe-Ritter Kunststiftung
Italienisches Generalkonsulat Stuttgart -- Instituto Italiano di Cultura

Press images

The re-print of these images, related to the 
fesival "Stuttgarter Filmwinter", is allowed only 
in the context of a report on the mentioned 
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