[spectre] ART TECH MEDIA - Presentation at ARCO 08. International Contemporary Art Fair. Madrid.

Chiara Passa chiarapassa at gmail.com
Sun Feb 10 08:58:25 CET 2008

Presentation at ARCO 08. International Contemporary Art Fair. Madrid

 1st International Congress Art Tech Media

 14 th february, 17,oo h

 Pabellón 12, entreplanta Sala 12.1

 ART TECH MEDIA is a Meeting Platform for all sectors linked to art and
 new media for reflecting upon, analysing and debating across
 disciplines for the preparation of proposals related to cultural
 policy, coordination and optimisation of resources, artistic
 production and research and their promotion at a global level.

 We shall be presenting a book with a transcript of the debates that
 took place at the 1st International Congress ART TECH MEDIA and the
 proposed Strategic Plan for the Development of the Arts and Digital
 Culture that establishes, among other issues, the creation of the
 Institute of Arts and Digital Culture. This Strategic Plan has been
 written as a result of the Conclusions of the 1st International ART
 TECH MEDIA Congress.

 Founders and directors: Montse Arbelo y Joseba Franco.

 artechmedia at montsearbelojosebafranco.com



 1st International Congress Art Tech Media


 Headquaters and Collaborating Institutions, may 2007: Ministerio de
 Cultura, Instituto Cervantes y Casa de América (Madrid)

 Collaborating: Seacex; AECI; Casa Asia; Dirección General para el
 Desarrollo de Sociedad de la Información del Ministerio de Industria;
 Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología [FECYT], Ministerio
 de Educación; Dirección General de Innovación Tecnológica, Comunidad
 de Madrid; Canarias Crea, Gobierno de Canarias; Dirección General de
 Museos de la Consejería de Cultura, Junta de Andalucía; Ayuntamiento
 de Zaragoza, Milla Digital; LG; Universidad Europea de Madrid [UEM].

 Participants: TESLA, Berlín; Transmediale, Berlín; V2, Róterdam;
 MAXXI, Roma; Ars Electronica, Linz; CIANT, Praga; Arts Council, Gran
 Bretaña; Rhizome, New Museum New York; PAN, Nápoles; UCLA Design -
 Media Arts MIT, Los Angeles - Massachusetts; MADC, Costa Rica; CENART,
 México; Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires; Centro Cultural San
 Martín, Buenos Aires; Museo Rufino Tamayo de Arte Contemporáneo,
 México; ATA, Alta Tecnología Andina, Perú; Bienal de vídeo y Nuevos
 Medios Chile; Universidad de Santiago de Chile; Chelsea Art Museum,
 New York; The Art Institute of Chicago, EEUU; Hangar, Barcelona;
 Fundación OI, Río de Janeiro; Museo Artes Visuales de Uruguay;
 MediaLab Prado, Madrid; Laboral, Gijón… y participantes en Art Tech
 Media 06.

 ART TECH MEDIA 06 debates 2006, art and new technology:

 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía | Museo de A. C. Unión
 Fenosa | Presidencia Gobierno de Canarias | DA2 Salamanca |
 Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo. Artium | BilbaoArte | Centro
 Párraga | Museu d´art Contemporani i Modern. Es Baluard | Centro de
 Cultura Contempòránea de Barcelona, CCCB.

Chiara Passa
chiarapassa at gmail.com

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