[spectre] Weaver Birds - 8 years of dyne.org

jaromil jaromil at dyne.org
Fri Aug 8 11:27:52 CEST 2008

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The Weaver Birds

by the dyne.org hackers

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printable version: http://dyne.org/first_dharma_dyne.pdf (291 KB)

* Hackers spinning the Dharma wheel

You are welcome to join the new wheel spin of our history.

We hope you remember the time you signed up to receive some news about
our activities: well we've kept  this trumpet silent so far, still the
laborious weaving  of our net  has been going  on, until the  point we
really have something to say and to do together, today.

It  is almost 4  years that  this bulletin  wasn't sent;  the previous
dyne.org bulletins  were quite intimate,  announcing developments done
in our  own houses, the  development of our  own lives in  unusual and
experimental  ways.    This  one  is  a  bit   different,  more  open,
programmatic,  visionary and  inclusive, proposing  you a  plan  to be
shared and is already shared by many.

Right  now our  network has  become 8  years old  and by  now  you can
imagine this  number is very important  to us.  If you  are curious to
know what is happening please read on, we won't fancy you with special
effects, but dreams, thoughts and projects we are ready to realize.

Of  course this  text doesn't  just talks  about "us":  being  an open
network we are including multiple contexts around the world with which
we share mutual  help, where our contribution is  mostly technical, as
in our activity in free and open source development.  In fact, besides
the generic idea  of FOSS, we are moved by  the following dreams, that
are  slowly but  steadily becoming  reality...

For all this we are infinitely grateful to the GNU project that let us
discover  how  to   get  hold  of  knowledge,  take   control  of  the
architecture we live in and even start building a new planet :)

* Dharma youth

  *The only people  for me are the  mad ones, the ones who  are mad to
  live, mad  to talk, mad to  be saved, desirous of  everything at the
  same time, the  ones who never yawn or say  a commonplace thing, but
  burn, burn, burn, like  fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like
  spiders across the stars.* (Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums)

First let's declare who  we are: after 8 years we are  able to trace a
common   denominator  among   the  people   active  in   our  network,
interconnected by a nomadic approach to development and life.

We are young dreamers, as we often like to stir limitations and invent
different  models to  learn, communicate,  share and  live  than those
proposed by the  societies where we are caged. We  have in common that
we survived  out of the  commonplaces, we cultivated our  thoughts and
sharing methods, knowledge and tools, keeping them out of any box.

This  is the  time in  our  history in  which we'll  speak with  young
voices, when we are moving some  crucial steps on which we'll base our
architectures,  hopefully mixing the  inner with  the outer,  the Ying
with the Yang.

Some of us  are nomads, some settle in different  places time to time,
some live in the same  marginal neighbourhoods of the world where they
were born, some  are working for multinational IT  companies, some are
riding bicycles all  around the world, some are  lecturing in schools,
some  are   exhibiting  in  art  galleries  and   some  are  squatting
houses. And  yes, probably you are one  of those, or you  have been in
contact with us, at least once.

What we  are proposing here is a  new model and we  finally acquired a
practical  vision  to  develop   it  in  harmony  with  our  different

Please continue reading if you like to discover why and how.

* Freedom of Creativity

  *The growth of the network rendered the non-propertarian alternative
  even  more  practical.  What  scholarly  and  popular writing  alike
  denominate as  a thing  ("the Internet") is  actually the name  of a
  social condition: the  fact that everyone in the  network society is
  connected directly,  without intermediation, to  everyone else.  The
  global  interconnection of networks  eliminated the  bottleneck that
  had required a centralized  software manufacturer to rationalize and
  distribute the  outcome of individual  innovation in the era  of the
  mainframe.* (Eben Moglen)

Free  and open  source  software  (often referred  as  FOSS) is,  when
referring  to the original  principles endorsed  by the  Free Software
Foundation[1]  (FSF), a  new model  for distribution,  development and
marketing of immaterial  goods. While recommending you to  have a look
at the  philosophy pages  published by the  FSF, we'll  highlight some
implications which are most important for us by letting our activities
possible and motivating them.

FOSS  implies an economical  model based  on collaboration  instead of
competition, fitting in the  fields of academic research where sharing
of knowledge is fundamental ,  and development where the joint efforts
of  different  developers can  be  better  sustained when  distributed
across  various nodes.  In this  regards we  like to  quote  John Nash
(Mathematics Nobel  in 1994)  saying that "the  best result  will come
from everybody  in the  group doing what's  best for himself,  and the

Imagine then  that all creations re-produced  in this way  can also be
sold freely by anyone in each context: this opens up an horizon of new
business  models  that are  local,  avoiding globalized  exploitation,
still sharing a global pool of knowledge useful to everyone.

Furthermore, in the  fields of education we believe  that the inherent
independence of FOSS from commercial influences is crucial in order to
empower students  with a  knowledge that they  really own,  not making
them  dependent  from merchants  owning  their  creations by  imposing
licenses on the tools they've learned.

At last just  consider, and feel free to invent  more on these tracks,
the  impact of  FOSS in  fields as  communication,  social networking,
games, media and... evolution.

[1] see http://www.fsf.org

* No nationhood

  *Per far che  i secoli tacciano di quel  Trattato[2] che trafficò la
  mia patria, insospettì  le nazioni e scemò dignità  al tuo nome.* (A
  Bonaparte liberatore, Ugo Foscolo, 1778-1827)

  *One Planet, One Nation* (Public Enemy)

Our homelands are displaced and sometimes very different, difficult to
be put  in contact with  the boundaries given  by nations. In  fact we
think that nation  states should come to an end,  for the borders they
impose  aren't matching with  our aspirations  and current  ability to
relate with each other.

During the few years of our  lives we have been taught to interact and
describe  ourselves  within  national   schemes,  but  the  only  real
boundaries were  the differences between our languages,  while we have
learned to cross them.

- From our national histories we  mostly inherited fears and hanger, but
with this  network we  have learned  how to bury  them, as  they don't
belong to  us anymore.  What's  left is a  just a problem that  can be
solved:   we  will  stop   representing  us   as  part   of  different
nations. Even  if we could, we  don't intend to build  our own nation,
nor to  propose you a new social  contract, but to cross  all of these
borders as a unique networked planet, to start a new cartography.

We have a planet! and it is young enough to heal the scars left by the
last  centuries of  war, imperialism,  colonisation  and prevarication
that  left most  people  around us  cultivating  differences and  fake
identities represented by flags and nationalist propaganda.

We  aren't  claiming  to  open  the  borders  to  the  speculation  of
multinationals, since we are well aware this can be a rethoric used by
neo-liberist  interests  to  tramp  over the  autonomy  of  developing
countries.  The Contextual integrity[3] of different social ecosystems
needs  to be respected,  but still  as of  today the  national borders
didn't succeeded in preserving it.

With some exceptions, most of the national programs and cultural funds
we agreed to work with were  pretending each of us would dress a flag,
as  we  were  recruited in  a  decadent  game  of national  pride  and
competition,  with  an agenda  of  cultural,  economical and  physical
domination, tracing all our movements, assimilating them to leviathans
that are playing their last violent moves in a chess game for which we
are just seamless pieces.

This  doesn't makes  anymore sense  to  our generation,  we refuse  to
identify  with the governments  holding our  passports, while  we look
forward to relate to each other on the basis of dialogue and exchange,
approaches  and  architectures  that  can  be  imagined  globally  and
developed locally, in a open way the channels that let us speak to you
right now.

Therefore  we declare  **the end  of nations**,  as our  generation is
connected by  a way more complicated intersection  of wills, destinies
and, most importantly, problems to be solved.

[2] Trattato di Campoformio

[3] see    Nissenbaum,    H,    (2007)    Contextual    Integrity    -

* Networked cities

  *Creo que con el tiempo mereceremos no tener gobiernos.* (Jorge Luis
  Borges, 1899-1986)

Naturally  our  cartography draws  connections  among  nodes, hubs  of
intelligence that are  closer in the cyber space  than in the physical
one.  In the  last century  we have  learned how  we can  share music,
lyrics, stories  and images, since a  few decades we are  able to copy
them without marginal costs across the whole world.

This let us relate to each other with an outreach that is amplified by
the density of our living  environments, the urban spaces that somehow
offered enough gaps  for our agency.  Those who  pretend to govern our
living are  now busy in  controlling those voids,  as every tree  in a
public square  represents an  obstacle for their  cameras, omnipresent
eyes patronising our evolution.

We found shelter in the  ancestral practices of trance[4], opening the
doors  of our  perception to  the unknown,  resonating our  own bones,
enhancing the  agility of our  tongues to follow  the hip hop  flow of
radical  thoughts,  skating  over  the universe  we  are  constrained,
painting fantasy over the imposed  walls of our cities, jumping higher
to join the loose ends of our parkours.

These practices are now among all  of our cities[5], seeded by our own
need  to evolve,  to influence  a  governance that  doesn't listen  to
us. Some kids turn into a  dark army of vengeance, some lost the faith
in future, some fall in  the virtual loopholes offered by the magnetic
startups  of  the  dot.com  boom.   We  need  to  offer  ourselves  an
alternative to this hopeless conflict and the first step is to build a
narrative that respects all choices, that doesn't neglects sufferance.

All this creativity and despair is shared among our cities, stuffed by
unnecessary needs and mirages of success of the "creative industries",
while we already  elaborate a concentric vision that  is linked to the
density of our lives and the cultural flow of our errant knowledge.

Therefore we declare the birth of a **planet of networked cities**[6],
spiral architectures of living swirling above our heads and across our
fingers,  as they  evolve in  a  common practice  of displacement  and
re-conjunction, joining the loose ends of our future.

Our plan is  simple and our project is already in  motion. In fact, if
you look around  yourself, you will already find  us close.  While the
current economical  and political systems face the  difficulty to hide
their  own incoherence,  we  are able  to  implement their  principles
better and, most importantly, we are elaborating new ones.

We are reclaiming the infrastructure, the liberty to adapt them to our
needs, our right to property  without strings attached, the freedom to
confront ideas without any  manipulative mediation, peer to peer, face
to face, city to city, human to human.

The possibility  to grow local communities  and economies, eliminating
globalized monopolies and living up  from our own creations, is there.
We are filling the empty spaces left in our own cities, we are setting
our own desires and we are collectively able to satisfy them.

Furthermore, some of us are  seeking contacts with the lower strata of
societies, to share  a growing autonomy: as much  they are excluded by
the society they serve, that much  they are close to freedom, while it
is  clear that  autonomy is  the  solution to  present crisis.   These
marginal communities  were the villagers who, mostly  because of rural
poverty, could no longer survive  on agriculture, as well the migrants
and refugees  who had  to escape  their birth places,  or never  had a
homeland.   They came  to  the city  and  they found  neither work  or
shelter.  They  created their  own jobs out  of the cynical  logics of
capitalism,  mostly  in  refuse  recycling.   They look  ugly  to  the
minorities in power, while  most architect and urban planners unjustly
call "illegal  settlements" their shelter. Some of  them they organise
to gain power  with solidarity, and those are  the squatters.

During the past decades we have  learnt to enhance our own autonomy in
the urban contexts[7], diving  across the different contexts composing
the cities,  disclosing the inner structure of  their closed networks,
developing a  different texture made of relationships  that no company
can buy.

We  are the **Weaver  Birds**, burung-burung  manyar[8], we  share our
nests in a network, we flow as the river of the spontaneous settlement
of  Code in  Yogyakarta[9],  the gypsy  neighbourhood  of Sulukule  in
Instanbul,  the Chaos  Computer Club  ,  all the  hacklabs across  the
world, the self-organised squatters  in Amsterdam Berlin Barcelona and
more, the hideouts  of 2600 and all the  other temporary hacker spaces
where our future, and your future, is being homebrewed.

This document is  just the start for a new  course, outing an analysis
that is  shared among a growing  number of young  hackers and artists,
nourished  by their  autonomy and  knowledge.  Our  hacker  spaces are
quickly proliferating as we don't need to build more space rather than
penetrate existing empty  space, we are highly adaptive  and we aim at
connecting  rather than  separating,  at being  inclusive rather  than
exclusive, at being effective rather than acquiring status.

To those  who feel threatened  we ask: do  not resist us, for  we will
last longer than  you, and leave us space, for you  don't use it while
we do.  Do it for the good of all of us, because we are your own kids.

[4] Lapassade, G. (1976) Essai sur la transe, Éditions universitaires

[5] De Jong,  A, Schuilenburg,  M. (2006) Mediapolis.  Popular culture
    and the city, Rotterdam: 010-Publishers

[6] Batten, D.F. (1995), Network Cities: Creative Urban Agglomerations
    for the 21st Century, SAGE

[7] Lapassade, G. (1971), L'Autogestion pédagogique, Gauthiers-Villars

[8] Burung-Burung Manyar means "Weaver  Birds" in bahasa indonesia, is
    a book by Romo Mengun published in 1992 by Gramedia (Jakarta)

[9] the  Code  riverbank was  considered  an  "illegal settlement"  of
    squatters,  while Romo  Mengun has  been active  between  1981 and
    1986, gathering the sympathy of intellectuals believing that these
    poor members of  society should be accepted and  helped to improve
    their living  conditions. The government of  Indonesia planned its
    forced removal  in 1983, but  as protests followed the  plans were
    cancelled.  Nine years later in  1992 Kampung Code was selected as
    the winner  of the Aga Khan  Award for Architecture  in the Muslim
    World. The Code riverside settlement continues to exist until this
    day, as a remarkable example of urban architecture.

* Horizontal media

  *Whoever  controls the  media  -the images-  controls the  culture.*
  (Allen Ginsberg, 1926-1997)

Our concern  about freedom  in media is  serious, the  current urgency
justifies all our acts of  rebellion, as they become necessary. One of
our main activities is patiently weaving the threads for open networks
that put us  all in contact. But greedy  national regimes and criminal
organisations threaten us as if they can avoid their fascist nature to
be known,  while opportunist  provokers use our  open grounds  to have
granted the right to offend and generate more wars.

About media we certainly accumulated enough knowledge to trace a clear
path for our  development, as we have been doing  since the early days
of our existence: we are active in implementing the liberties that the
digital age  grants us.  This  intellectual freedom is  very important
for the development  of humanity, for its capacity  to analyse its own
actions, to weave its faith in harmony.

Our  plan is to  keep on  developing more  on-site and  on-line public
space  for  discussion,  following  a **decentralised  pattern**  that
grants  access to most  people on  our planet.   We created  tools for
independent  media, to  multiply the  voices in  protection  of common
visions, to avoid  that a few media tycoons  take over democracies, as
it is happening in many different places of this world.

We are aware of the limits of the present implementation of democracy:
while  they  are  busy  celebrating  their own  success  over  archaic
regimes,  these systems  stopped updating  their own  architecture and
have fallen in control of new enemies which they cannot even recognise

The  solution we  propose  is simple:  maximise  the possibilities  to
recycle  existing  media infrastructures,  open  as  many channels  as
possible,   free  the   airwaves,  let   communication  flow   in  its
multiplicity, avoid any mono-directional  use of it, give everyone the
possibility to  run a  radio or  TV station for  it's own  digital and
physical neighbours, following an organic pattern that will modularise
the  sharing of sense  and let  ideas propagate  in a  horizontal, non
hierarchical way.

If these media architectures will be linked with education models that
foster  tolerance we  have hope  to  accelerate the  evolution of  our
planet and grant protection to the minorities that are populating it.

* Freedom of identity

We believe  that current governmental efforts of  biometric control by
governments,  private data  mining  operated by  companies and  public
schools watching  over students activity, profiling  programs that are
targeting people worldwide are a crime against humanity.

Each of those  efforts are not taking into  careful consideration what
can  be done  when dictatorial  regimes take  control of  such systems
nations, in fact this already happened as half a century ago the first
action  of the Nazi  was numbering  people and  labelling them  with a
symbol  marking  their   biological  ethnicities  (as  biometry  could
nowadays ).

Conscious  of  the  lack  of  responsibility  of  current  governments
worldwide, we  will oppose with  all means necessary their  efforts to
number and  control all people in  the name of a  safe and unreachable
security that,  as hackers we  can demonstrate, cannot be  enforced by
such means.

As hackers we are well  conscious of information flows and how several
leaks  in   the  digital  domain  are   actually  disclosing  personal
information of large  amounts of people worldwide. We  do believe that
people  shouldn't  be  numbered  and  included  in  databases,  that's
probably what still  differentiates governments from operating systems
merely  suppressing  the processes  that  aren't  optimised for  their

* Education

  *Because  this   New  Order  of   ours  is  a  military   order,  an
  authoritarian order,  commando style, there is  no education.  There
  is only instruction, a mere taming experience.* (*Romo Mangun*)

As  privatisation of  educational structures  progresses,  the academy
assumes corporate and business mindset,  while we assist to a shift of
the educational mission in society from *inclusive* to *exclusive*.

The  influential  play of  industries  has  permeated most  academical
disciplines,  in particular  regarding the  adoption  of technologies.
The  choice of educators  has become  biased by  logics of  short term
profit, rather than **Solid Knowledge**.

On the other hand, notions are rapidly becoming universally available.
*Heuristic*,  *maieutic* and  *infrastructure*  functions provided  by
academies are  best satisfied  by the global  action of  free software
communities  **horizontally**  sharing  methods, experiences,  working
implementations, on distributed and versioned R&D platforms.

As  components   can  be   combined  and  redistributed,   copied  and
modified[10]  students learn a  knowledge that  is durable,  free from
"*intellectual  properties*" restricting their  rights to  produce and
redistribute creations.  This situation  will provide an advantage for
new generations, as it does for developing countries.

Media hubs and hacker spaces  constitute a great potential to activate
cultural growth, fulfilling an  educational role that is progressively
lacking in higher schools and universities.

In 1998  it was  the first edition  of the hackmeeting[11]  in Firenze
when its  assembly launched the  idea of *independent  universities of
hacking*, spawning numerous hacklabs across the networked cities, with
annual meetings  that have  been taking place  until today  in various
places  in the  south  of Europe.   We  believe the  results of  these
initiatives  have been greatly  influential for  our own  cultural and
technical development,  as they  hosted an errant  knowledge otherwise
dispersed and  neglected by the  academies, with the  participation of
people  like  Wau  Holland,  Richard  Stallman,  Tetsuo  Kogawa,  Andy
Muller-Magoon,  Emmanuel  Goldstein   and  even  more  collective  and

With such a short but intense  history behind us we are well motivated
to  continue  developing  our   independent  paths  of  knowledge,  an
auto-didactic  literature that liberates  the students  from corporate
interests  and opens  up an  horizon  of variety  and creativity  that
cannot be envisioned by the most advanced, yet faulty, implementations
of the so called "creative industries".

[10] following the GNU project philosophy and further applying to more
    fields of human knowledge.

[11] see  http://www.hackmeeting.org  and   the  book  Networking  Art
    http://www.networkingart.eu/english.html     (Costa    &    Nolan)
    ISBN:88-7437-047-4 ISBN:978-88-7437-047-4

* Consolidation

  *Inverno. Come un  seme il mio animo ha  bisogno del lavoro nascosto
  di questa stagione.* (Giuseppe Ungaretti, 1888-1970)

If you read  until here and you think our  plans deserve support, then
you should know we are  really struggling for better quality, which in
our  vision  we  didn't  yet  fully  reached.   That's  what  we  call
consolidation here.

As  our activity  mostly  focuses  on free  and  open source  software
development, we have  to admit we are not yet  there in satisfying all
the needs of the various communities relying on them.

For  example  the on-line  radio  streaming  software MuSE[12],  being
developed  since 8  years now  to provide  an user  friendly  tool for
community  on-line  radio  streaming,  being used  by  various  radios
worldwide, is  not yet fully developed  to the point it  should and we
have an hard time in keeping the pace with updating it.

Another   example   is  the   popular   GNU/Linux  multimedia   liveCD
dyne:bolic[13]  developed since  2001  which has  now reached  version
2.5.2 released last winter: it  focuses on several important issues as
supporting  old  hardware, implementing  privacy  for users,  offering
media  production tools  and providing  all development  tools  on its
single liveCD.   We won't hide  we are experiencing major  problems in
keeping the  project alive, lacking  funds to involve  more developers
for  such a  huge effort.   In fact  since more  recent "phylantropic"
startups  (that,  considering  the  nature of  their  funding,  aren't
grassroot at all) obscured  our long-standing grassroot development we
have been  deprived of the media  attention that is  also necessary to
gather support: this all follows the  logic of the big fish eating the
smaller fishes, killing variety even in the open source context.

Yet another  example is the FreeJ vision  mixer software[14] developed
since  2002,   implementing  an   open  platform  for   producing  and
broadcasting audio/video online in a completely open way, also relying
on development done by the xiph.org foundation[15]. With FreeJ we hope
to rehabilitate the vast  knowledge about the javascript language with
a  tool that  let it  be used  for video  production, as  a  100% free
alternative to Flash and other recent commercial startups. The horizon
for  this  project is  very  promising,  as finally  Ogg/Vorbis/Theora
support is  being natively integrated  in Mozilla Firefox[16],  and we
are  actively seeking  funding support  for a  short  term development
sprint, which never really arrives.

In economic  terms all  these projects have  been developed  with very
little support  so far and  actually don't need  much to go  on, still
proper expertise is needed and that in most cases requires a budget to
keep people committed on a medium or long term.

What we are seeking for  our consolidation is to develop a publication
platform that let us modestly merchandise these products, keeping them
still  free and  available  online, plus  eventually some  benefactors
trusting  our  work and  investing  their  phylantropic instincts  the
visions   hereby  described.    Anyway,   any  suggestions   regarding
consolidations are very  welcome and of course, as  a good old Yiddish
proverb says, a penny is a lot  of money--if you haven't  got a penny.

[12] see  http://muse.dyne.org -  a tool that  is well  documented for
    usage by the flossmanuals project at http://flossmanuals.net/muse

[13] see http://dynebolic.org  - also listed  among the few  100% free
    distribution by  the Free  Software Foundation, as  well nominated
    among the top-10  open source projects in 2005  by the Independent

[14] see http://freej.dyne.org

[15] see http://www.xiph.org

[16] see http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0808/msg00003.html

* Infrastructure

  *It  is best to  keep one's  own organization  intact; to  crush the
  enemy's organization is only second best.* (Sun Tzu, 6th century BC)

We are  planning (and realizing already) a  decentralised structure of
on-line and on-site facilities to be independently shared among us.

On site we successfully link to squats and liminal practices among our
networked cities, developing patterns  that can be implemented locally
and shared globally.  Reuse of  existing empty structures is a crucial
point, as  it is keeping these initiatives  independent from corporate
and  national influence,  freeing  the potential  of various  cultures
composing them.

On  line we  are yet  more  powerful, having  established a  redundant
network of  servers and protocols  that, even if opposed  by corporate
interests, are flourishing and well spread across the populace.

In this phase we are still very  young and we need all your support to
help us stay  independent, host our efforts in  different contexts and
share their visibility.

As we  have composed a  comprehensive cartography of such  efforts you
can  be  confident  that  all  the economical  and  practical  support
contributed will be carefully shared  by all nodes and documented by a
growing literature of examples,  facts and periodic reports which will
keep all our network informed.

** On site

So  far we  are  emerging  two locations:  the  poetry hacklab[17]  in
Palazzolo Acreide, near Siracusa, where we are struggling to establish
a museum  of historical working computers[18]  (also reachable online)
as a  permanent interactive  exhibition where visitors  can experiment
with  the  machines,  an  educational  effort that  also  implies  the
preservation of our digital past.

Second is our hacktive squatted community in Amsterdam, a city that is
probably among the last places  in the world tolerating the occupation
of empty  spaces, resulting in  a balanced urban architecture  that is
open  to   independent  cultural  initiatives   and  grassroot  social
movements, helping to control the growing speculative trend on private
properties  by  business magnate  and  criminals  white-washing  their

And next are even more grassroot run places ready to be emerging, with
which we plan to share  common plans about sustainability, open source
practices  and  open  spaces  for  the global  and  local  communities
crossing them.

** On line

The  network  of  servers we  are  so  far  relying  on is  very  much
resembling our  on-site architecture,  where hospitality plays  a main
role, as several independent  organisations or institutions offered us
hosting space for our projects, while half of the fleet is hosted on a
limited number of commercial collocations financed by self taxation.

All  software employed  is free  and open  source: servers  run stable
versions  of  Debian  GNU/Linux,  code  development  is  hosted  using
Git[19], webpages are  served by a custom written  setup (that we plan
to evolve following this wheel spin) using Apache PHP and Mysql, while
whenever  possible we use  static pages.   Open discussion  forums are
provided using Mailman,  IRC and in future phpBB,  open publishing and
editorial flows are hosted using  the MoinMoin wiki platform.  Most of
our  facilities are  made redundant  and  of course  we keep  backups,
having  preserved  so  far  every  single bit  composing  our  digital

Besides  the dyne.org  website  itself, we  host  several artists  and
activists   engaged   in   projects  as   Streamtime[20],   Idiki[21],
ib-arts[22],  Morisena[23]  and   more,  plus  some  free  independent
radios[24] and in future more TV,  as software like FreeJ will be soon
ready for it.

[17] see: http://poetry.freaknet.org

[18] see: http://museum.dyne.org

[19] fast and distributed code versioning system, see: http://git.or.cz

[20] free blogging from Iraq, see http://streamtime.org

[21] a wiki for ideas, see http://idiki.dyne.org

[22] ib_project for the arts, see http://ib.dyne.org

[23] collaborative art,  ecology, sustainability, summer  camps, yoga,
     see: http://www.morisena.org

[24] see: http://radio.dyne.org

* Collaboration

  *Nadie es patria. Todos lo somos.* (Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986)

Thanks for reading until here, in case we sparked some interest in you
with this document, then finally  let us point out some practical ways
to get involved and collaborate with us.

Being  still a  young  phase of  our  evolution we  need to  carefully
economise  participation in  our development,  so we  are  looking for
talented  hackers wishing  to contribute  to software  development, as
well independent  communities wanting to join our  network and amplify
our practices and dreams across the world.

As we will hopefully get  some funding (and this phase basically opens
our network  to such opportunities)  we won't neglect to  support your
participation with money. In fact we plan to pay out fees for specific
development tasks as the  ones described in the Consolidation chapter,
which will be progressively detailed on our websites.

We  also plan to  open up  residencies and  remote stage  programs, in
collaboration  with educational  institutions recognising  our efforts
and the involvement of their students in them.

Please     get     in    touch     then!      from    this     webpage
http://dyne.org/hackers_contact.php and specifying your email address,
we will reply and plan our future collaboration.

Thanks, a thousand flowers will blossom!

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Copyleft  2008 dyne.org  foundation and  respective  authors. Verbatim
copying  and distribution is  permitted in  any medium,  provided this
notice is preserved. Send inquiries & questions to dyne.org's hackers.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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