[spectre] Fwd: Please distribute the CFP for the ACM MM Art Progam

Anne Nigten anne at v2.nl
Tue Feb 20 08:48:33 CET 2007

> ACM Multimedia 2007
> Interactive Art Program
> 23-29 September, Augsburg, Germany
> http://iap07.multimedia.fh-augsburg.de/
> ACM Multimedia 2007 is the premier annual multimedia conference,  
> covering all aspects of multimedia computing. The ACM MM  
> Interactive Art Program seeks to bring together the arts and  
> multimedia communities to create the stage to explore, discuss, and  
> push the limits for the advancement of both multimedia technology  
> through the arts, and the arts through multimedia technology.
> This fourth version of the Interactive Art Program will consist of  
> an art exhibition and a conference track. We invite artists working  
> with digital media and researchers in technical areas to submit  
> their original contributions to the following tracks:
> ¥ Multimedia art exhibition: ÒI / Other / Group.Ó We seek artworks  
> that use multimedia to explore issues of self-exploration, self- 
> presentation towards another, the self in a group or the group as a  
> self. We particularly seek interactive multimedia works that by  
> combining multiple media, technologies, and novel technical ideas,  
> realize strong artistic concepts that give a new perspective on the  
> topic of the exhibition.
> Deadline for submission to the Art Exhibition: May 8, 2007
> ¥ Conference track: we solicit papers describing interactive  
> multimedia artworks, tools, applications, and technical approaches  
> for creative uses of multimedia content and technology as well as  
> technical approaches for the management of art-related media  
> collections. Emphasis will be given to novel works that use a rich  
> variety of media and those that are interactive, particularly works  
> that exploit non-conventional human-computer interfaces or sensors  
> in new and emerging areas. We strongly encourage papers with a  
> strong technical content written by artists. Papers may be long (10  
> pages) or short (2 to 4 pages). Long papers are presented in front  
> of an audience and short papers are presented in poster format.
> Deadline for full papers to the Arts Program Conference Track May  
> 8, 2007
> Deadline for short papers to the Arts Program Conference Track June  
> 1, 2007
> For further submission details please see http:// 
> iap07.multimedia.fh-augsburg.de/
> Accepted papers and art works will be published in the ACM  
> Multimedia Conference proceedings.
> Important Dates
> May 8, 2007      Long papers and art exhibitions submission deadline.
> June 1, 2007     Short papers submission deadline.
> June 20, 2007   Authors notification.
> July 20, 2007    Camera-ready papers due.
> Program Chairs
> Alejandro Jaimes, IDIAP Research Institute , Switzerland  
> (Alex.Jaimes at idiap.ch)
> Frank Nack, UniversitŽ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France  
> (frank.nack at liris.cnrs.fr)
> Thomas Rist, FH Augsburg, Germany (tr at rz.fh-augsburg.de)
> Curatorial Committee
> Annet Decker, Montevideo, Amsterdam
> Anne Nigten, V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
> Prof. Robert Rose, time based media, Faculty of Design, Augsburg  
> University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg

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