[spectre] Peisajul poeziei tinere / The landscape of youth poetry | Clubul Literar / Literary Club >>>

Oberliht info at oberliht.org.md
Sun Apr 22 05:27:09 CEST 2007

---scroll down for the english version---

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Dragi prieteni si membri ai Clubului Literar,

va anuntam ca sedinta Clubului Literar "Peisajul poeziei tinere" va avea
loc luni, 23 aprilie 2007, la Centrul Expozitional "Constantin Brancusi"
(bd. Stefan cel Mare 3, Chisinau), in sala mica, care gazduieste
expozitia internationala de arta contemporana "Pesaj" organizata de
Asociatia Oberliht (http://www.oberliht.org.md).

din program:

- Artelier de scriere creativa
- Lecturarea textelor
- Degustarea supei
- Artmosfera

Sedinta va debuta cu un experiment care va implica pe toti cei prezenti.
Plecind de la lucrarile artistilor expozanti vom scrie texte literare in
relatie cu obiectul de arta ales. Vreme de o jumatate de ora toata lumea
va cauta un motiv de inspiratie si va scrie un TEXT ad hoc, indiferent ca
e poet, artist plastic, journalist sau vizitator. Sedinta va culmina cu
lecturarea textelor scrise in acest interval de timp. Textele vor fi
citite in fata lucrarilor alese, ca asistenta sa-si poata da seama despre
raportul intre cele doua limbaje. Sigur ca vom face si un schimb de
impresii pe marginea rezultatelor artelierului de scriere creativa
organizat in comun de artistii plastici si de scriitori intr-un context
mai putin conventional cum ar fi o expozitie de arta. Mai multe despre
expozitie aflati la: http://oberliht.org.md/peisaj.html

In partea a doua membrii clubului isi vor citit textele aduse de acasa.

Seara din 23 aprilie va culmina cu o degustare de proportii - meniul
principal fiind supa preparata pe loc de catre participanti.
Ingredientele folosite vor fi culese din lucrarea lui Vladimir Us "Peisaj
de bucatarie 2007" expusa in sala, conceputa din start pentru a fi
consumata la inchiderea expozitiei. Vom consuma arta contemporana la

Asteptam toata lumea. Va garantam o artmosfera placuta si creatoare.

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Expozitia "Peisaj" poate fi vizitata pina pe data de 23 Aprilie 2007 la
Centrul Expozitional "Constantin Brancusi", UAP, sala mica
(bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfant 3, Chisinau)
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pentru mai multe detalii despre eveniment descarcati comunicatul de
sau vizitati pagina web:

Ghenadie POPESCU - Nicolae POPA - Vladimir US - Andrei GAMART - Dumitru

= = =

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Dear friends and members of the Literary Club,

we inform you that the meeting of the Literary Club "The Landscape of
youth poetry" will take place on Monday, 23rd of April 2007, at the
Exhibition Centre "Constantin Brancusi" (Bd. Stefan cel Mare 3,
Chisinau), in the small gallery, that hosts the international
contemporary art exhibition "Landscape" organized by Oberliht Association

the program:

- Workshop of creative writing
- Reading of the texts
- Soup testing
- Artmosphere

The meeting will begin with an experiment in which those present will be
involved. Taking as a starting point the exhibited pieces of art we will
write literary texts related to the chosen art work. Everybody is invited
to write ad hoc a TEXT during half an hour, inspired from the exhibition,
despite the fact if you are a poet, artist, journalist or just a visitor.
The meeting will culminate with the reading of all these texts. The texts
will be presented in front of the chosen art work so that the audience
could identify the relation between these two ways of expression. We will
surely discuss the results of the creative writing workshop organized in
common by the visual artists and the writers in a less conventional
context like an art exhibition. More about the exhibition can be found
here: http://oberliht.org.md/peisaj.html

In the second part of the meeting the members of the Literary Club will
read the texts that they prepared at home.

The evening of 23rd of April will culminate with a soup testing - as
main menu will be served a soup prepared by the participants on the spot
with the ingredients collected from the work of Vladimir Us "Kitchen
landscape, 2007", exhibited in the gallery and conceived from the very
beginning to be consumed at the end of the exhibition. We will be
literally consuming contemporary art.

We look forward to see everybody. We can guarantee you a pleasant and
creative artmosphere.

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The exhibition "Landscape" is on view till 23 of April 2007 at the
Exhibition Centre "Constantin Brancusi", UAP, the small gallery
(bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfant 3, Chisinau)
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feel free to download the press release about the event:
or go to the web page:

Ghenadie POPESCU - Nicolae POPA - Vladimir US - Andrei GAMART - Dumitru

Asociatia Tinerilor Plasticieni din Moldova "Oberliht"
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
tel: + (373 22) 735369
mobile: + (373) 69171010
mailto:info at oberliht.org.md
   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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