[spectre] Bookpresentation: "Islamisches Bilderverbot vom Mittel-
bis ind Digitalzeitalter"
Oliver Grau
oliver.grau at donau-uni.ac.at
Wed Oct 4 12:47:32 CEST 2006
I forward this invitation to the list:
Very honored ladies and gentlemen,
I want to invite you sincerely to the following book presentation:
"Islamisches Bilderverbot vom Mittel- bis ind Digitalzeitalter"
Author: Dr. phil. Almir Ibric
Buchpräsentation: "Islamisches Bilderverbot vom Mittel- bis ins Digitalzeitalter"
Autor und Vortragender: Dr. phil. Almir Ibric
Do. 5. Oktober 2006, 19 Uhr
AAI - Großer Saal
Türkengasse 3, 1090 Wien
AAI (Afro-Asiatisches Institut)
Short book information:
The book "Islamic picture prohibition. From the middle to digital age" (136 pages/4 illustrations) is the most detailed work so far on this topic in an "western" language. Pre-islamic picture prohibition tendencies, philosophical-ethical, epistemological, also metaphysical up to questions such as movie prohibition of "matrix Reloaded" are here described as well as: Anthropology of the pictures, pre-historcal stonepictures, net (online)aesthetics, mirror metaphor, free will, Mimesis, photography, film, TV, InterNet, degree of the illusion of moved figures, live-tv pictures, shadeworlds of Wayang Kulit and Wayang Golek, doll plays such as Karagoez and also Tatoo Prohibition.
ISBN:3-8258-9597-1(Original title: Islamisches Bilderverbot vom Mittel- bis ins Digitalzeitalter")wich is published in August 2006 by
Lit Verlag (www.lit-verlag.de)and my first book . Bookprice: 14,90
Thanx for your support!
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Dr.phil.Almir Ibric
Belvederegasse 36-38/3/1
A-1040 Wien
Tel.:+43/01/ 974 28 52
Mobil: 0676 4214 555
bilderverbot at yahoo.de
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