Friedrich von Borries fb at raumtaktik.de
Tue Mar 28 11:47:26 CEST 2006

please feel free to forward to colleagues, lists, blogs...apologies 
for cross postings,

thanks & best regards,

friedrich von borries
steffen p. walz
ulrich brinkmann
matthias böttger

editors at spacetimeplay.org
***Call for Book Contributions and Project Presentations***

Games, Architecture, and Urbanism.

What is computer and video game space - and: is there an 
architectural history of
game space-time? How do architectures, city spaces, and landscapes change when
they are transformed into physical game boards, or when they become 
an extension
of a desktop computer game? How can architects and urban designers apply games
and game technologies as tools for drafting and planning?

Across 500 pages, the edited book publication Space Time Play will 
investigate these
questions by compiling designs, best practice examples, as well as essays,
interviews, succinct statements, and game space analyses.

The editors have already confirmed contributions to Space Time Play by
internationally renowned theoreticians and practitioners, including: Gerhard M.
Buurman, Kees Christiaanse, Drew Davidson, Alberto Iacovoni, Jesper 
Juul, Heather
Kelley, Neil Leach, Lev Manovich, Jesse Schell, Mark Wigley, and Eric 
Space Time Play will not only feature these authors, but also 
aspiring players from
the fields of architecture, urbanism, game design, game studies, and 
the arts. These
researchers and artists will present their thoughts, games, and/or 
theme related
works and designs.

The editors are looking for contributions to Space Time Play in the 
form of essays,
project descriptions, and statements. We would like to ask potential 
contributors to
consider the following questions, which are shaping the three main 
sections of Space
Time Play. Please note the submission requirements and procedure in 
the bottom of
this call.

A Brief Space Time History of Interactive Entertainment.

-In which ways are computer and video games constructed spatially and
-Which games are milestones concerning their spatial quality, and why?
-Which methods of architectural history and theory could be used to evaluate
the spatial development and spatial quality of computer and video games?
-What is the relationship of game space and game time?
-What kind of experience or method in the field of game design could be
applied to the development and evaluation of architecture and urban design?
-Which architectural projects should be considered milestones of a new playful
architecture, and why?
-Which physical architectures have been influenced by computer or video games?
-In how far do innovations of "real" architecture influence game architecture,
and vice versa?
-What can architects and level designers learn from one another?
-What kinds of interfaces exist between game design and architectural design?

-You use your game experience to design spaces in the "real" world?
-You are a game designer and your games have been influenced by specific
architectural objects or urban situations in the real world?

We are looking forward to presenting your projects (realized or design stage,
commercial or artistic).

Computerizing Dwellings, Cities, and Landscapes for Play Experiences

The city has always been offering spaces for games and play, for 
example stadiums,
coliseums, theaters, playgrounds, or street grid labyrinths. In 
recent years, computer
games have progressed beyond the computer desktop and have acquired a new play
dimension by using areas such as cities, buildings, or parks as playing fields.

-How do mobile games (as well as augmented, hybrid, and mixed reality play
scenarios) modify the perception and usage of physical space? Which design
and behavioral patterns can be identified?
-How will public space as well as public activities and performance change if
interactive entertainment leaves the private home behind to enter public
-What new types of spaces, buildings, and cities might emerge when games
are superimposed on existing spatial structures, thereby embedding a novel
(urban) function?
-What kinds of new architectures, urban spaces, and landscapes are emerging
by the way of pervasive games?
-Will pervasive games open up a new horizon of a playful city or will pervasive
games be the Trojan horse of new technologies of surveillance and control?

-You have developed pervasive or ubiquitous games?
-You designed new computing devices, tools, interfaces, or techniques which
could also be used for games in urban space or in computer / sensor
integrated buildings?

Whether your background is more design or art related, technological, 
or economical
- we are looking forward to present your game (realized or design stage).

Utilizing Computer Games and Technologies for Architectural and Urban Planning.

-When games are being used in planning processes - what is the relation of
everyday affordances and the integrity of the magic circle?
-What is the spatial, social, and economical relation of "real space-time" and
alternate reality?
-What can architects and planners learn from the spatial and social
experiences that games grant?
-What can we learn from the history of games as simulation tools - be it in
military, urban planning or business contexts - today?
-Which new game technologies or gameplay methods could be used for which
aspect of architectural planning and design?

-You are using game engines to design or communicate your projects?
-You developed a game as a tool to analyze, change, or modify real spaces?
-The design of games is part of your practice as an urban planner, 
architect, or
-You are using games as tools for participation or participatory design?

Please send us your project (board games, role playing scenarios, 
computer games
etc.), and / or tell us about your design experience.

Please e-mail your proposals to editors at spacetimeplay.org. Do not hesitate to
contact us if you have any further questions.

-> Essays and statements
Please submit your 500 word abstract for either a 3'000 - 5'000 word 
essay or for a
1'000 word statement. This abstract should be a Word document that 
also contains
your name, affiliation, address, and contact information. In 
addition, please indicate
the section you are submitting for.

-> Projects descriptions and designs
Please send us a one page description for each design project as a PDF. The
description should contain image material. Please help us understand 
your project by
including the following aspects in your presentation: Scope and goal 
of the design
project, partners, realization status, design challenges, lessons learned, and,
possibly, a URL where we can play your project, download a trailer 
movie (please
specify requirements such as codec), or additional material.

If you explicitly consider your project a game, please let us know in 
your PDF in
which way your design space reflects or constitutes (a) formal game 
elements, e.g.
rules, player interactions, objectives, rewards, and conflict; and 
(b) dramaturgical
elements, e.g. premise, story (arc), characters, and challenges.

Essays and statements (Word doc): 15.05.2006
Projects descriptions and designs (PDF): 15.05.2006

Friedrich von Borries (Agentur raumtaktik, Germany)
Steffen P. Walz (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Ulrich Brinkmann (bauwelt Magazine, Germany)
Matthias Böttger (Agentur raumtaktik).

Birkhäuser - Publishers for Architecture, Basel / Boston / Berlin.

Spring 2007.

-ETH Zurich, Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design, Prof. Dr. Ludger
-Swiss National Science Foundation, NCCR Mobile Information and
Communication Systems (MICS)
-University for Art, Media, and Design Zurich (HGKZ), Interaction Design /
Game Design Program, Prof. Dr. Gerhard M. Buurman
-ETH Zurich, Chair for Architecture and Urban Planning, Prof. Kees
-KCAP, Rotterdam, and Astoc, Cologne

space time play
a book project by
friedrich von borries
steffen p. walz
ulrich brinkmann
matthias böttger
editors at spacetimeplay.org
birkhäuser publishers basel / boston / berlin
spring 2007
editors at spacetimeplay.org


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