[spectre] Introducing Scream: Software + Activities (fwd)

Amy Alexander plagiari at plagiarist.org
Tue May 3 20:26:08 CEST 2005

Introducing Scream

Scream is a software application to facilitate screaming.

Scream sits quietly in your computer's system tray and automatically springs 
into action when it detects a scream.

Scream disturbs your Windows interface. But it isn't aimed just at computer 
frustrations. In a world where "anger" is paired with "management," Scream 
encourages the return to prominence of the lost art of screaming. As Howard 
Beale said in 1976, "I don't have to tell you things are bad.... all I know is 
that first you've got to get mad."

But whereas Howard advised his viewers to turn their television sets off to get 
mad, Scream proposes that you leave your computer on.

Scream can be used in private. Or public. It can be used at home, at work, or 
on the street; at a Fluxus-style Scream-in; at the mall or at your favorite 
cafe. When your throat gets tired, Scream can double as an unusual music 
visualizer - or as a new approach to digital filmmaking. Use Scream to start a 
meme. Or simply as a random act of deprogramming.

Scream - The Screaming Enhancer. (Also indicated for use with door slams, 
domestic disputes, and police helicopters.)

More info, demo movies, software download and more at:

For more Deprogramming software, VJ/musical performances, and more(?) visit the 
deprogramming.us homepage at:

Note -  Mail sent to the email address in the header may or may not actually 
reach me! A current, fully-functional address for me can always be found at the 
bottom of the http://plagiarist.org home page. Danke, gracias and thanks!

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