[spectre] panel WWAI for radical researchers and radical softnetware artists SIGGRAPH05 paper LAST CALL

Chiara Passa chiapa at libero.it
Wed Jan 26 22:35:36 CET 2005



SIGGRAPH 2005 The 32nd International Conference on Computer Graphics
and Interactive Techniques
31 July - 4 August 2005 Los Angeles Convention Center
Now just click on the SIGGRAPH O5 Online Submission link, and send in
your ideas:
paper submission deadline:     26 January 2005
  Panel Topics

  Rethinking The Narrative Thread: Where Do Movies End And Videogames
Begin?  Discussing The New Storytelling Paradigm

  The Ultimate Display: What Will It Be?

  Academic Research And Production: How Does Research Change The Tools
We Use In Production? And How Do Production Needs Influence Academic

  CG Centerfolds And Beyond: Now That They Look Real, What Do We Do With

  Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa?

  Believable Characters: Are AI-Driven Characters Possible, and Where
Will They Take Us?

  State Of The Art In Game Research: Games on the Horizon and Beyond

  Ubiquitous Music: How Are Sharing, Copyright, and Really Cool
Technology Changing the Roles of the Artist and the Audience?

  The Open-Source Movement and the Graphics Community: How Can Open
Source, Third Party, and Proprietary Software Models Coexist?

  WWAI: How is the Web Growing? Into a Social Super-Organism or a Mass
of Disconnected Information?


We especially encourage to submit papers to panel 3WWAI: How is the Web
Growing? Into a Social Super-Organism or a Mass of Disconnected
Information? WWAI: a massively-parallel-wetware-oriented artificial
intelligence distributed worldwide.3 that we are organizing during
SIGGRAPH 05 in Los Angeles.

I hope that you will be able to make mention of the conference to your
friends and list members.

Thank you in advance,


Robert B. LISEK

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------ Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht

Chiara Passa
chiapa at libero.it 

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