[spectre] Announcing the publication of The Cybercities Reader

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck at transmediale.de
Mon Dec 1 13:18:26 CET 2003

From: Steve Graham <s.d.n.graham at ncl.ac.uk>
Subject: Announcing the publication of The Cybercities Reader

Announcing the publication of The Cybercities Reader

Routledge, New York and London, 440pp, 10 tables and 41 B/W photos,
Paperback ISBN 0-415-27956-9 (£23.99/ $34.95). November 28th 2003.

Edited by Stephen Graham, Newcastle University, UK

For too long information and communications technologies have been lazily
portrayed as means to simply escape into a parallel world -- to withdraw
from the body, or the city, in some utopian, or dystopian, stampede
on-line. Such perspectives deny the fact that the so-called 'information
society' is also an increasingly urban society.  They ignore the ways in
which new technologies now mediate every dimension of the fabric of
everyday urban life. And they tend to obscure a key question :  how do the
multifaceted realities of city regions interrelate in practice with new
technologies in different ways in different places?

'The Cybercities Reader' explores this question. With its related web site,
it is the most comprehensive, international and interdisciplinary analysis
yet of the relationships between cities, urban life and new technologies.
The book incorporates:

* Detailed discussions of cybercity history, theory, economic processes,
mobilities, physical forms, social and cultural worlds, digital divides,
public domains, strategies, politics and futures.
* Coverage of post modern technoculture, virtual reality and the body,
global city economies,  urban surveillance, E-Commerce, teleworking,
community informatics, digital architecture,  urban technology strategies,
and the role of cities and new technologies in the 'war on terrorism'.
* Detailed case studies of  'virtual cities'  in Amsterdam, Internet cabins
in Lima, back offices in Jamaica, 'smart' highways in Melbourne,
technopoles in New York, mobiles in Helsinki, e-commerce convenience stores
in Tokyo, high-tech business parks in Bangalore, public spaces in Mexico
City, and urban ICT strategies in Kuala Lumpur, California  and Singapore.

* 31 of the best published writings in the field with 32
specially-commissioned pieces.
* The work of writers from 12 nations and 12 disciplines
* Editor's introductions and guides to further reading for each piece
* Over 50 pictures, tables, and diagrams.

'The Cybercities Reader' will be essential reading for anyone interested in
how cities and new technologies are helping to remake each other at the
start of this quintessentially urban digital century.


Introduction : From Dreams of Transcendence to the Remediation of Urban Life

PART 1 Understanding Cybercities

I Cybercity Archaeologies

Nigel Thrift  Inhuman Geographies: Landscapes of Speed, Light and Power

Joel Tarr The City and The Telegraph: Urban Telecommunications in the
Pre-Telephone Era

Ithiel  de Sola-Pool  The Structure of Cities

Melvyn Webber The Urban Place and the Non-Place Urban Realm

Thomas Streeter  The Cable Fable Revisited: Discourse, Policy and the
Making of Cable Television

Thomas J. Campanella   Webcameras and the Telepresent Landscape

II Theorising Cybercities

Gilles Deleuze Postscript on Societies of Control

Paul Virilio The Third Interval

Manuel CastellsSpace of Flows, Space of Places : Materials for a Theory of
Urbanism in the Information Age

Lieven de Cauter The Capsule and the Network  : Notes Toward a General Theory

Nigel Thrift Cities Without Modernity, Cites With Magic

Deirdre Boden and Harvey  Molotch Cyperspace Meets the Compulsion of Proximity

Timothy Luke The Co-Existence of Cyborgs, Humachines and Environments in
Postmodernity: Getting Over the End of  Nature

III Cybercities : Hybrid Forms and Recombinant Spaces

Stefano Boeri Eclectic Atlases

William Mitchell The City of Bits Hypothesis

Mike Crang Urban Morphology and the Shaping of the Transmissible City

Zac Carey Generation Txt : The Telephone Hits the Street

Stephen Graham   Excavating  the Material Geographies of  Cybercities

Anthony Townsend Learning From September 11th : ICT Infrastructure
Collapses in a Global Cybercity

PART 2 Cybercity Dimensions

IV Cybercity Mobilities

Nick Barley  People

Pnina Ohana Plau Do Telecommunications Make Transportation Obsolete ?

Mimi Sheller and John Urry  The City and the CyberCar

David Holmes  Cybercommuting on an Information Superhighway: The Case of
Melbourne's CityLink

  Keller Easterling  The New  Orgman :  Logistics as an Organizing Principle
of Contemporary  Cities

Mark Gottdeiner  Deterritorialisation and the Airport

V Cybercity Economies

Saskia Sassen  Agglomeration in the Digital Era ?

Vincent Mosco Webs of Myth and Power: Connectivity and the New Computer

Matthew Zook Cyberspace and Local Places: The Urban Dominance of Dot-com
Geography in the Late 1990s

Andrew Gillespie and Ranald Richardson Teleworking and the City: Myths of
Workplace Transcendence and Travel Reduction

Ewart Skinner The Caribbean Data Processors

Martin Dodge Geographies of  E-commerce : The Case of 	Amazon.com

Andrew Murphy The Web, the Grocer, and the City

Yuko Aoyama  E-Commerce and Urban Space in Japan : Accessing the Net via
Convenience Stores

Susan Davis Space Jam: Media Conglomerates Build the Entertainment City

VI Social and Cultural Worlds of Cybercities

Robert Luke  Habit at Online: Web  Portals as Purchasing  Ideology

David Morley  At Home With the Media

Keith Hampton  Netville : Community On and Offline in a Wired Suburb

Nina Wakeford  Gender and Landscapes of Computing  in an Internet Café

Timo Kopomaa Speaking Mobile : Intensified Everyday Life, Condensed City

  Anne Beamish The City in Cyberspace

Ken Hillis  Identity, Embodiment, and Place : Virtual Reality as Postmodern

VII Cybercity Public Domains and Digital Divides

Fred Dewey Cyburbanism as a Way of Life

Rebecca Solnit and Susan ShwartenbergSan Francisco : Capital of the
Twenty-First Century

David Lyon Surveillance in the City

Benton Foundation Defining the Technology Gap

Shirin Madon Bangalore : Internal Disparities of a City Caught in the
Information Age

Ana María Fernández-Maldonado Public Internet Cabins and the Digital Divide
in Developing World Megacities : A Case  Study of Lima

Danny Kruger Access Denied

Stephen Graham The Software-Sorted City: Rethinking the Digital Divide

PART 3 Shaping Cybercities  ?

VIII Cybercity Strategy and Politics

Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin Planning Cyber-Cities ? Integrating
Telecommunications into Urban Planning

Tim Bunnell Cyberjaya and Putrajaya: Malaysia's 'Intelligent' Cities

Neil Coe and Henry Wai-chung Yeung Grounding Global Flows: Constructing an
E-Commerce Hub in Singapore

Richard Sclove Cybernetic Wal-Mart : Will Internet Tax Breaks Kill Main
Street USA?

Thomas Horan Recombinations  for  Community Meaning

Walter Siembab Retrofitting Sprawl: A Cyber Strategy for Livable Communities

Geert Lovink The Rise and Fall of the Digital City Metaphor and Community
in 1990s Amsterdam

Andreas Broeckmann Public Spheres and Network Interfaces

IX Cybercity Futures

Rob  Warren et al  The Future Of The Future In Planning Theory:
Appropriating Cyberpunk Visions Of The City.

Martin Pawley Terminal 2098

Jean Michel Dewailly Sustainable Tourist Space : From Reality to Virtual

John Adams A Letter from the Future

Philip Agre Life After Cyberspace

Peter Huber and Mark Mills  How Technology Will Defeat Terrorism

Early Endorsements for The  Cybercities Reader Include

"In gathering together classic and contemporary papers, this volume reveals
urban landscapes as simultaneously reflective and constitutive of the
digital world, illustrates the powerful ways in which cyberspace is shot
through with social categories of class, power, gender, and ethnicity, and
renders obsolete artificial dualisms such as on-line and off-line."
Barney Warf, Professor of Geography, Florida State University.

"With a wide and impressive array of authors and topics, The Cybercities
Reader is the most comprehensive set of readings yet produced on the uses
and impacts of digital communications in the urban environment. Together,
the readings demonstrate how much of the literature to date on the "virtual
life" has been heavily trapped in fantasy, idealism, and mythology, against
which The Cybercities Reader provides alternative ways of thinking about
telematics and the city." Gerald Sussman, Professor of Urban Studies and
Communications, Portland State University.

"Steve Graham is one of the world's leading scholars of the cybercities
phenomenon. He has gathered her over 60 of the most inspiring and
stimulating contributions to thinking on the subject. The book is a delight
to study, to dip into, and to think about. A bumper book on a bumper
Frank Webster, Professor of Sociology, City University London.

"Part Gibson, part Castells, The Cybercities Reader provides an exciting
new perspective on the soft underbelly of the IT revolution and how it is
impacting on new geographies of the city. Steve Graham has collected all
that is best in this fascinating collage of what are cities are beginning
to look like both on and under the surface." Mike Batty, CASA, University
College London

Stephen Graham			   e-mail s.d.n.graham at ncl.ac.uk
Professor of Urban Technology      Telephone +44(0) 191 222 6808
Global Urban Research Unit (GURU)	Fax +44(0) 191 222 8811
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
3rd Floor, Claremont Tower
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, U.K.

Global Urban Research Unit (GURU) http://www.ncl.ac.uk/guru

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