[spectre] Database of SEECAN (South East European Contemporary Art Network)
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 15:43:20 +0200
Dear All,
Please look at the Database of SEECAN (South East European Contemporary Art Network).
You will see that we have quite a lot of information on it
Home | Members | News | Activities | Cultural Institutions | Artists | Formation |
Artist's Revues / Magazines | Funding / Financements |
(eventhough we can always add more if additional information is sent over to us).
We have also added information from the countries of Caucasus, so that this can be useful for our
curators, directors, artists, memebers and for the general audience.
If you wish to contribute more information to us please send information over.
Best regards,
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Melentie Pandilovski
Contemporary Arts Center - Skopje
Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax: +389.2.133.541
Tel/Fax: +389.2.214.495
Mobile: +389.70.217.075