[spectre] call to artists / appel au artistes
:: Garrett ::
Thu, 06 Jun 2002 09:34:02 +0000
hi everyone
I have started working for a site (http://www.bannerart.org/) which hosts
banners created by different artists in gif, jpeg, flash or shockwave
The concept is for artists to claim a commonly used constuct on the
internet, the "banner", as their own, to use the form and space normally
used by the commercial domain to propagate ideas and artistic talent and to
encourage other sites to host these works of art. A complete "call for
atists" is included at the bottom of this email.
We would encourage you to contribute works in any of the four formats and
look forward to seeing works that push the boundaries of what banners are
and can do while still complying to the Internet Advertising Bureau's
(http://www.iab.net/) guidelines.
salut tout le monde
Je commence a travaille sur un site (http://www.bannerart.org/) ou on mis de
"banners" en formats gif, jpeg, flash ou shockwave fait par de differente
Le concept est pour artistes a utilise un forme sur le internet, un "banner,
comme leur espace, a utilise cette forme et espace qui est normallement
utilise dans le cadre commerciale a propager des ideas et de travaille
artistic et finalement a encourager des gens a mis cette travaille sur leur
site et en effet ete un patron des art numerique. Un complet "appel au
artistes" est coller en bas de cette email (desole solement en anglais).
Nous encourage vous a envoie de travaille dans le quatre format et epere a
voir de travaille qui question qu'est que c'est un "banner" mais sont
toujours dans le regles et cadres de un "banner" fait par le "Internet
Advertising Bureau" (http://www.iab.net/).
Call to artists
All net artists and web designers are invited to contribute to the
Banner Art Collective (http://www.bannerart.org).
The BAC collects and host art and poetry that is created and
distributed within the limitations of web advertising (as defined by
the Internet Advertising Bureau). Artists can create works to add to
the collection, and users can host any work in the collection on
their own page by adding a bit of code to their own HTML.
By creating and distributing art within the limitations of web
advertising, web artists and writers are forced to practice their art
under stringent rules that allow the artist to 1) hone their skills
under strict guidelines and 2) pull off something magical by working
against and within the limitations of a strict form. Artists can more
fully explore the intersections between art and commerce, and (quite
literally) the marginal status of art created for distribution on the
web. And users are forced into a position of enpowerment; as they
discover banner art pieces, they will 1) become aware of the both the
pervasion and possibilities of advertising space on the web, 2)
experience new art in new contexts, and 3) be granted a sort of
patron status, as they can host on their own websites work they find
Currently, the project has collected works from artists in Italy,
Germany, France, Belgium, the UK, and the US. BAC works have been
added to sites in Italy, Canada, the UK, and the US. The project has
been mentioned at several web publications: Random, TijdNet, Neural,
and the Hypertext Kitchen.
Please address any concerns or queries to "brandon@bannerart.org".
Brandon Barr
Banner Art Collective
Garrett Lynch
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