[spectre] IV International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium, Havana, Cuba

Jeremy Welsh jeremy.welsh@khib.no
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 21:22:23 +0100

Deadline: May 1, 2002
Digital art
IV International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium, Havana, Cuba

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau
(IV International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium)

The Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau, with the support of the
Historiador de la Ciudad de la Habana, el Museo Nacional de
Bellas Artes and HIVOS, announces the IV Saln y Coloquio Internacional
de Arte Digital (International Digital Art Exhibit and
Colloquium) in Havana, Cuba. The purpose of the event is to encourage
and support artists and scholars working with and thinking
about computer-based technologies in inventive and original ways.

The annual event, which opens on June 17, 2002, exhibits work that
represents the current field of digital art in Cuba and abroad, and
convenes a series of meetings and discussions to encourage exchange and
reflection among designers, artists, critics and scholars whose
work is related to these new forms of expression.

The exhibition has two juried components a competitive exhibition of the
work of resident Cuban artists, and an international exhibit,
where the work of non-Cuban residents will be shown. Work selected by a
jury of well-known artists and critics will be exhibited in the
Sala Majadahonda of the Centro Pablo, galleries of the Oficina del
Historiador de la Ciudad, and in the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

The International Colloquium Digital Art Languages and Poetics will take
place from June 18 - June 21. In addition to discussions
focusing on the work included in the two exhibits, artists, scholars and
critics will make presentations about the potentials and the limits
of these new forms of artist expression, addressing the following themes
Challenges and Techniques of Digital Art; Digital Art
Traditions and Originality; New Languages, New Themes?

For information about submitting work and/or attending the IV
International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium, please visit





The deadline for all submissions is May 1st.

Centro Cultural Pablo de la Torriente Brau
Calle de la Muralla No. 63 entre Oficios e Inquisidor,
Habana Vieja, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba
Tele-fax (537) 666585