[spectre] Bauhaus Award 2002

Inke Arns inke@snafu.de
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 17:29:25 +0100



<paraindent><param>right</param>Call for Entries</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation will be pres=
enting the International Bauhaus Award  
for  the second time on October 26th 2002. Prizes will be awarded for exem=
projects  dealing with the effect that information and communication techn=
ology =96  
ICT =96 (mobile  telecommunications and the Internet) has on urban space a=
nd the  
urban public. The  International Bauhaus Award is aimed at young designers=
academics and groups in the  categories of architecture and urban design, =
art and  
design, and academic and theoretical  work. The closing date for entries i=
s Monday,  
September 2nd 2002.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>Subject matter </paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>TeleCity: How does information and communi=
cation technology (ICT) change urban   
spaces? Projects are being sought for the International Bauhaus Award whic=
h deal  
with  the interfaces between people and technology =96 human/ICT interface=
s =96 or with 
 space  and technology in an urban context. Leaving aside futurological hy=
pe and  
apocalyptic  phobias, the projects should focus on the complex interweavin=
g of real  
worlds and virtual  worlds and the impact they have on urban space and urb=
an public  
life. Irrespective of  whether the entry concerns a built project, an arch=
itectural design 
 or urban design, a  performance, artwork, academic research, a study, con=
cept or  
essay, the most important  thing is that it should focus on changes in urb=
an structures  
caused by ICT. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>Conditions of entry</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Entrants must be born after September 1s=
t, 1962. This relates to individuals and all  
 members of a group.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Only one piece of work may be submitted =
per entrant or group.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Persons or groups who work for or in the=
 Bauhaus Dessau Foundation at the time  
of the  call for entries are excluded from participation.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Co-authors must be named in the project =



<paraindent><param>right</param>- The originality of the contribution. </p=

<paraindent><param>right</param>- The quality of its form and content.</pa=

<paraindent><param>right</param>- The thematic relevance and the conceptua=
l foundations of the contribution must be   

<paraindent><param>right</param>- The connection between the contribution,=
 the subject matter of the call for entries  
and  the category in which it is submitted must be readily apparent.</para=

<paraindent><param>right</param>- The work submitted may not be more than =
two years old at the closing date for  
entries  for the International Bauhaus Award.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- The work submitted <italic>can</italic> =
contain results that have already been published.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param>- If the work concerns an architectural, urb=
an design, art or design project that has  been  
built or realised, the date of the official completion or formal opening a=

<paraindent><param>out</param>- If the work concerns a film or television =
production, the date of the first  screening  

<paraindent><param>out</param>- If the work concerns an Internet productio=
n, the day that the project first went  online  
counts. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param>- If the work has been published, the year i=
n which it was first printed applies.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param>- If the work is a master=92s, doctoral or p=
ostdoctoral thesis, the date of submission   
applies. </paraindent>




<paraindent><param>right</param>The selection procedure for determining th=
e winners of the International Bauhaus  
Award  will consist of three stages: 1. examination commission, 2. prelimi=
nary jury, 3. 
 international  jury. The examination commission will establish whether th=
e entries are  
complete and  thematically relevant. The preliminary jury will select thre=
e potential  
prize winners from  each category, who will be invited to a public present=
ation of their 
 work in front of an  international jury at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.=
international jury will choose the  prize winners. Details of the selectio=
n procedure are 
 contained in the rules and regulations  of the International Bauhaus Awar=


<paraindent><param>right</param>The preliminary jury for the International=
 Bauhaus Award 2002 will be made up of  
the  following members:</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>1. Omar Akbar, Director of the Bauhaus Des=
sau Foundation.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>2. Regina Bittner, project coordinator at =
the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>3. Werner M=F6ller, project coordinator at=
 the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>4. Angela Zumpe, media artist, Berlin/Dess=
au. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>5. Daniela Haufe, graphic designer, Berlin=

<paraindent><param>right</param>6. Inke Arns, media theorist, Berlin.</par=

<paraindent><param>right</param>7. Louisa Hutton, architect, Berlin (invit=

<paraindent><param>right</param>8. Perter Trummer, architect, Rotterdam (i=

<paraindent><param>right</param>9. n.n.</paraindent>



<paraindent><param>right</param>The jury for the International Bauhaus Awa=
rd 2002 will be made up of the following   

<paraindent><param>right</param>1. Omar Akbar (Chairman), Director of the =
Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>2. Ursula Maier-Rabler, communication theo=
rist, Salzburg (invited).</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>3. Tilman Baumg=E4rtel, net artist, Berlin=

<paraindent><param>right</param>4. Hans Dieter Huber, media theorist and a=
rtist, Stuttgart (invited)</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>5. Olia Lialina, net artist, Stuttgart (in=

<paraindent><param>right</param> 6. Lars Spuybroek, architect, Rotterdam (=

<paraindent><param>right</param>7. Stephen Graham, urbanist, Newcastle, (i=


<paraindent><param>right</param>Documents to be submitted</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>Those interested should submit the followi=
ng documents and information media:</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- One-page biography in English (groups: a=
 one-page biography per group member)  
=96 10  copies.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- One-page project description in English =
=96 10 copies.</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Depending on the category and type of pr=
oject: 1 CD-ROM or 1 DVD or 1 video  
 (VHS) or 1 bound text or 1 publication. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param> -In the categories architecture and urban d=
esign, art and design, planning  documentation  
will only be accepted in digital form. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param>- Projects on CD-ROM must be presented in a =
manner that will enable the  members of  
the jury to understand the content in a maximum of 15 minutes. </parainden=

<paraindent><param>out</param>- Videos and DVDs may not be longer than 15 =
minutes. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>out</param>- Projects on ZIP or diskettes will not be a=

<paraindent><param>right</param>-  Entrants in the category of academic an=
d theoretical work must submit a project   
description together with a summary of their work in English that should n=
ot exceed  
10  pages =96 10 copies. </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>- Author=92s declaration including a decla=
ration of consent from any co-authors =96 single 

<paraindent><param>right</param>- A declaration indicating that the entran=
t is willing to present his or her work in public 
 in  front of an international jury at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, shou=
ld he or she  
be  included amongst the potential prize winners =96 single copy.</paraind=

<paraindent><param>right</param>Presentation of prizes</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>The prizes will be presented by a special =
guest in a public ceremony at the Bauhaus   
Dessau Foundation on October 26th 2002. Details of the presentation will b=
announced  on the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation web site.</paraindent>




<paraindent><param>right</param>The following prizes will be awarded in th=
e architecture and urban design category:</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>1st prize		=80 3,000</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> 2nd prize		=80 1,500</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> 3rd prize		=80 500</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>The following prizes will be awarded in th=
e art and design category: </paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>  1st prize		=80 3,000</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> 2nd prize		=80 1,500</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> 3rd prize		=80 500</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>The following prizes will be awarded in th=
e category of academic and theoretical  
work: </paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>1st prize		=80 3,000</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>2nd prize		=80 1,500</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>3rd prize		=80 500</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>In addition, the winner of the first prize=
 in each category will be invited to a four-week 
  period of residence at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (accommodation, dai=
allowance  and basic media equipment provided).</paraindent>



<paraindent><param>right</param> Deadlines</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param> </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>All the documents to be submitted must be =
sent to the following address by Monday,  
 September 2nd 2002:</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>Bauhaus Dessau Foundation</paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>International Bauhaus Award </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>Gropiusallee 38 </paraindent>

<paraindent><param>right</param>D-06846 Dessau</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>Entries date-stamped later than September =
2nd 2002 or received after September  
8th  2002 will not be considered.</paraindent>


<paraindent><param>right</param>Please indicate the entry category on the =
envelope. </paraindent>


The examination commission will start work on September 9th 2002. The prel=
selection of potential prize winners by the preliminary jury will take pla=
ce on  September  
19th. The international jury will meet on October 24th and 26th. The  pres=
entation of the  
short-listed entries, the announcement of the prize winners and  the prese=
ntation of the  
prizes will take place on October 26th 2002 at the Bauhaus  Dessau Foundat=

<paraindent><param>right</param>The decisions of the examination commissio=
n, the preliminary jury and the jury are   
incontestable. There is no recourse to the courts.</paraindent>


