[spectre] Interview Yourself 60th Interversary Edition!

Amy Alexander plagiari@plagiarist.org
Sun, 3 Feb 2002 21:32:32 -0800 (PST)

Interview Yourself Reaches 60!

We at the Plagiarist.org Occasional Update Time Service (POUTS) are
pleased to announce these additions to the Interview
Yourself Literary Archive!  (IY-La!) With this announcement, we reach 60 
interviews... so Happy Interversary from all of us here at plagiarist.org! 

Our latest up-close-and-personal celebrity interviews:

Digital Sisters Indeed as interviewed by Digital Sisters Indeed
Mario Hergueta as interviewed by Mario Hergueta
K as interviewed by K
Santo File as interviewed by Santo File

Don't forget to catch Interview Yourself lounging around among the other
relaxed pixels in the Media Lounge at Transmediale... so slip into something
comfortable, stroll across the shag carpet, grab a martini... then scoot your
office chair over to the keyboard and Interview Yourself! 

Remember, Interviews are accepted on a rolling basis at

Join the Web Celebs at Interview Yourself... Celebrity interviews just
like Warhol used to do 'em.... only cheaper.

....IY-IY-IY-IY-IY-IY...Interview Yourself Interview Yourself Interview


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