[spectre] Olats News 003

Annick Bureaud annickb@altern.org
Sun, 09 Sep 2001 14:26:21 +0800

OLATS NEWS 003 - E =96 09/10/2001

Livres & Etudes (Essais & Studies) : 6 new texts by the French
theoretician Edmond Couchot


Leonardo/Olats is proud to propose on its web site 6 "fundamental" texts
by the French theoretician Edmond Couchot. Those texts were first
published between 1982 and 1989. All of them are in French.


With its section "Etudes" (Studies) Leonardo/Olats launches an
electronic collection of critical and theoretical essays about art and te=
This collection is publishing texts by critics, theoreticians,
researchers, but also, in the continuity of the aim of the Journal
Leonardo since its creation, texts by artists about their own work.

The editorial policy is structured around 2 main axis :

* The "Fundamentals" (Les "fondamentaux") : electronic reprint of texts
that are no longer available or hard to find.

* "New Gaze" ("Nouveaux regards") : current aesthetic analysis and critic=

The Leonardo/Olats section Etudes (Studies) is opened to senior authors
but also to junior writers and artists, offering a publishing platform
within an international network. The texts are selected by an editorial
You are welcome to send your proposals to Annick Bureaud (annickb@altern.=

The six texts by Edmond Couchot are :

* - La synth=E8se num=E9rique de l'image. Vers un nouvel ordre visuel, 19=
Digital Synthesis of the Image. Toward a New Visual Order

* - Image puissance image, 1984
Image to (power) Image

* - Sujet, Objet, Image, 1987
Subject, Object, Image

* - La mosa=EFque ordonn=E9e ou l'=E9cran saisi par le calcul, 1988
The Ordered Mosa=EFc or the Screen Taken by the Maths

* - A la recherche du "temps r=E9el", 1985
Looking for "Real Time"

* - La synth=E8se du temps, 1989
The Synthetis of Time

* - La synth=E8se num=E9rique de l'image. Vers un nouvel ordre visuel,
Edmond Couchot
Digital Synthesis of the Image. Toward a New Visual Order
First published in the journal Traverses, n=B026, October 1982, pp. 56-63

By an analysis of its morphogenesis, this text goes through the nature
of the digital image. The digital image does not belong to the
opto-chemical order of photography or cinema, nor to the
optico-electronic order of video and television but is based on
language. Leaving behind the order of representation, digital image
gives birth to a new visual order. Beyond the visual order, it also
overturn the temporal order, going from the "it-has-been" expressed by
Barthes to an "it can be".

* - Image puissance image, Edmond Couchot
Image to (power) Image
First published in the  Revue d'Esth=E9tique, n=B07, June 1984, pp. 123-1=

This text describes the notion, first coined by E. Couchot, of the
digital image as an "image to (power) image".
In this paper, among the other caracteristics of the digital image, the
author stresses upon the fact that the new relationship between the
viewer and the image is now based on a "conversational order" (or
interactivity). The image is no longer a closed space but an open
universe we can enter.
Beside, the topology of the image is radically changing : the topology
of the classical optic is one of a geometry of convergence as the
digital topology forbid all "organisational center", all hierarchy
within space.
The computer linked to the networks transforms the supports of the
digital image. More than media, the are becoming "immediate". The viewer
becomes a terminal of the network and of the image.

* - Sujet, Objet, Image, Edmond Couchot
Subject, Object, Image
First published in  Cahiers internationaux de Sociologie, vol. LXXXII,
1987, pp. 85-97

Through a number of techniques based on the laws of optics, such as
photography, cinema and video, it is possible to automatically produce
images representing our environment, and to arrange Subjects, Objects
and Images in a certain way within the space and the course of time.
Such an arrangement is however completely upset by the newly created
digital technologies. These do not any longer produce an automatic
Representation of reality but lead to its Simulation ; light is not any
more involved in the creation of images but is replaced by language and
calculation. The problem then becomes to define whether Reality is not
undergoing a complete change as Images are gaining characteristics they
never had before as Subjects and Objects are being given a new status.

* - La mosa=EFque ordonn=E9e ou l'=E9cran saisi par le calcul, Edmond Cou=
The Ordered Mosa=EFc or the Screen Taken by the Maths
First published in Communications n=B048, 1988, pp. 79-87

This paper confronts the digital image and the screen. From the trace of
the gesture, encounter between the tool and the support (Kandinsky), to
the transmission (scanning), to the calculus-digital language, the
author scrutinizes the different distribution modes of the image and
their consequences on its nature when it belongs to the digital technolog=

* - A la recherche du "temps r=E9el", Edmond Couchot
Looking for "Real Time"
First published in the journal Traverses n=B035, September 1985, pp. 41-4=

In a first part, this paper recalls the history of the tools invented to
mesure time. From this basis, the author proposes an analysis and a
definition of the digital time =97uchronic time=97, wich like in the
computer digital image, belongs to simulation.

* - La synth=E8se du temps, Edmond Couchot
The Synthetis of Time
First published in 'Les Chemins du virtuel : simulation informatique et
cr=E9ation industrielle', Cahiers du CCI, Centre Georges Pompidou, April
1989, pp. 117-122

This paper proposes an in-depth analysis of the digital-computer time
and of the notion of "uchronic time". It examines the "re-initialization
of the course of time", which is fundamental to the computer technologies.


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Annick Bureaud (annickb@altern.org)
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