[rohrpost] The Need to Know? Presentation - Intervention -
Screening, 22. November 2013
Martin Wassermair
wassermair at t0.or.at
Mit Nov 13 07:40:07 CET 2013
-- World-Information Institute
-- http://world-information.net/
-- The Need to Know?
-- Presentation - Intervention - Screening
-- Freitag, 22. November 2013, 19.30 Uhr
-- IG Architektur, Gumpendorferstr.63b, 1060 Wien
-- Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache
-- Eintritt frei!
-- Presentation: "The Drift Towards Universal Surveillance"
Steve Wright (UK) on the new age of truly global surveillance and
tracking with state capability sets that even the STAsi and George
Orwell did not imagine. What are the long term, social and political
ramifications of such capabilities and how can we successfully resist
when they go beyond the limits of the law?
-- Intervention:
"We Should Take Nothing for Granted - On the building of alert and
knowledgeable citizenry"
Dr. Bruno Taut (RU) will explore the depths, perils, challenges and the
bliss of the decrypted century.
-- Screening:
Marko Peljhan (SI/US) presents documents from the SPEKTR! Vaults
-- Steve Wright: "The Drift Towards Universal Surveillance"
In 1998 and 2000, the European Parliament Science and Technological
Options Assessment (STOA) published detailed analysis of the illegal
activities of the US National Security Agency's spying activities in
Europe. The Parliament set up the Temporary Echelon Committee, which
confirmed the serious allegations that the Echelon spying network
existed and was siphoning off telephone calls. Email messages for
political and economic gain. However, since it reported in September
2001, the core messages of accountability were largely lost in the
clamor surrounding demands for new surveillance powers and capacities in
the so called US 'war against terror.'
The summer 2012 revelations by Edward Snowden of the breath taking
extent of US spying capacity have shown that we have entered a new and
disturbing era where one state has unprecedented power to spy on all
others, ostensibly for defense purposes but in practice for political
and commercial advantage. We have entered a new era of global
surveillance which is almost beyond imagining. Given that the rise of
these new American capacities was accompanied by deception and cover up
of US practices of torture, kidnap and extrajudicial execution in the
ensuing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, trust in any assurances about
legal safeguards has been massively eroded. What now lies in store if
civilian concepts of legality and proportionality have been replaced by
military doctrines and metaphors of "battle-spaces which see?"
-- Weitere Informationen:
-- http://world-information.net/the-need-to-know/
-- Rückfragehinweis:
World-Information Institute
Institut für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0
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Argentinierstr. 69/11, A-1040 Wien
Tel: +43 (1) 522 18 34
office at world-information.org
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