[rohrpost] n0name newsletter Spezial #7

n0name at gmx.de n0name at gmx.de
Die Okt 12 17:24:13 CEST 2010

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n0name newsletter Spezial #7 Di., 12.10.2010 15:58 CET

in En.!


as is often the case false representations do apply to those who are 
not present. The following bold and simple text does not prove this 
wrong. Nevertheless a sexy migrant background may result from efforts 
of academics or off-intellectuals who can not really cope with the 
situations of inner and outer borders as well as with their own 
limitated options of symbolic forms. In between two shows about 
Migration and Mobility[1] I have re-edited points, very sketchy 
though, which may brought up the the theme called Migration which 
some would euphemistically label a discourse -- a debate at issue.

As a matter of fact toxic sludge with mining waste in Hungary causing 
death and spreading over Europe's river Danube is something else than 
a no border campaign (www.noborder.org) with demonstrations in 
Brussels. Anyhow the context is the same inasmuch as the borders a 
marked here as artificial limitations but defended by a Regime. The 
Film "Grossstadtzigeuner" ("Big City Gypsies") from László Moholy-Nagy 
was screened in the Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin last month, 
showing the big Roma Community in Berlin in 1932, few years before the 
catastrophe. There are no pictures to be found like these today I 
guess. But there is no need for fancy theory to realise that not only 
France is expelling them again, the people and with them the pictures.

I would like to thank Mindaugas Gapsevicius for encouraging me to 
write this article below and his lecturer within a EU-Project for 
checking the writing (some errors may be left). The article was 
supposed to be published within a book but -- to overwork -- it now 
migrates to mailing lists and handouts.
[1] "The Tourist Syndrome" (www.transientspaces.org) ended last Sunday 
    and "Migrating Art Academies" (www.migaa.eu) holds a conference 
    next Friday and Saturday in Berlin. 

Matze Schmidt, 12.10.2010

Bologna Process

Curriculum Vitae

< 1814 -1826     A Non-Euclidean geometry (Nikolai Lobachevsky, Carl 
                 Friedrich Gauss) questions which geometrical space  
                 best fits physical space.

1825             Begin of the periodic economic crises in the most 
                 developed country at that time: Great Britain. The 
                 amount of exports falls below the total of 1824.

1843             May 5th, opening of the rail lines Paris – Orleans 
                 and Paris – Rouen. The Parisian migrant Heinrich 
                 Heine says while overemphasising the loss of real 
                 space in a pretended Hyperspace of industrial 
                 media: "Space is killed by the railways, and we are 
                 left with time alone." At the end of the same year 
                 Heine visits Germany. This land is, at the time, a 
                 kind of confederation of countries (Deutscher Bund) 
                 but not yet a united nation before the 
                 Franco-Prussian War.

1848             The _Manifesto of the Communist Party_ as issued by 
                 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels states that there is a 
                 World Market "for which the discovery of America 
                 paved the way".

1863             United States President Abraham Lincoln issues the 
                 _Emancipation Proclamation_ during the American Civil 
                 War declaring the freedom of all slaves in any state 
                 of the Confederate States of America as a war measure 
                 of the industrialised north against the agricultural 

~ 1870 - 1900    Blues emerges, the music and reflection method in the 
                 spare time of black workers and 'post-slaves' within 
                 African-American communities in the Deep South of the 
                 United States.

1914 - 1918      The so-called First World War reshapes Europe and 
                 more than 15 Million 'migrate' into graves.

1922             El Lissitzky makes the collage and drawing "Vladimir 
                 Tatlin working on his Monument to the Third 
                 International". The Monument is also kown as 
                 "Tatlin's Tower" for Petrograd. The Third 
                 International aka "Commintern" was founded March 
                 2-6, 1919 at a congress in Moscow.

1929 ...         The "Great Depression" takes place. This and the Dust 
                 Bowl in the American and Canadian prairie lands 
                 precipitates a high unemployment rate in the US 
                 (exceeding 20%) and a wave of national migration 
                 described in John Steinbeck's _The Grapes of Wrath_. 
                 The ensuing worldwide economic downturn in the 1930s 
                 may be seen as the trigger for developments which 
                 lead to the aggression of of Nazi Germany and the 
                 Second World War.

1933 ...         Jewish and other Diaspora is caused by the Shoah and 

1950s            The German "Wirtschaftswunder" ("economic miracle") 
                 happens. The Volkswagen "Beetle", a car model from 
                 the Nazi Regime era, is the icon of West German 

1957             First postwar economical crisis (industrial output in 
                 developed capitalist countries declines 4 percent). 
                 Founding of the Situationist International (SI), not 
                 only "famous" for Psychogeography, Dérive and the 
                 critique against the Spectacle as the contemporary 
                 (20th century) form of capitalism.

1950s/60s        Profit Rates are all in all high. In Marx' Critique of 
                 of Political Economy (Capital), the rate of profit 
                 (r) are measured as

                         r = surplus-value / capital invested

                 where surplus-value corresponds to unpaid labor in 
                 the production process or to profits, interest, and 
                 rent (property income). First mainly in the US and 
                 then in Great Britain and later global phenomenons 
                 like Pop and Pop Art affirm and subvert this 
                 conjuncture, NO!Art opposes.

1962             Computer scientist J. C. R. Licklider discusses his 
                 concept for a "Intergalactic Computer Network" with 
                 other colleagues of the BBN Technologies company, a 
                 supplier of arms.

1967             Negative rates of economic growth for the first time 
                 in Germany after the Second World War: -0,3 % (1967) 
                 and -1,3% (1975) growth rate of the Gross Domestic 
                 Product (GDP).

1970             The band Led Zeppelin records the "Immigrant Song" 
                 built on nordic myths in the lyrics and on a 
                 quasi-variant of Blues called Hard Rock. It was 
                 written during a tour of Iceland, Britain and Germany.

1972             The concept of "deterritorialisation" is subsumed by 
                 Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in _Anti-Oedipus_, 
                 a critique of capitalism as the super power and a 
                 turning away from the critique of political economy 
                 towards a non-linear sort of sub-and-super-structure 
                 of labor and libido. Deterritorialisation, the 
                 weakening of the ties of space and culture 
                 and economy is always accompanied by 
                 reterritorialization. There are missing links 
                 between deterritorialisation and Post-Fordism (which 
                 is however communicated as a kind of 
                 »De-Taylorisation« in the sector of production) and 
                 the terminology around the "Symbolic Worker", 
                 which is complexly put together and 
                 economically/politically speaking nothing more than 
                 an update of the mode of production based on new 
                 productive forces called the computer plus internet. 
                 Within intranets corporations tunnel outcomes of 
                 symbolic work. Universities maintain their own High 
                 Speed Computer Networks ever since the days of the 
                 ARPANET in the 1960s, the proto-internet as a 
                 synthesis of business, science and a monopoly on the 
                 use of force.

1976             Drafts of the reduction of real wages by holding a 
                 reserve army of labor (unemployed) according to the 
                 OECD's "A Growth Scenario to 1980", a "Special 
                 Supplement to the Economic Outlook" from July 19, 
                 1976 in consideration of declining rates of profit. 
                 Profit is the must for every single capital in 
                 competition with other capital. Competition means 
                 that firms have to invest in variable capital (wages 
                 etc. for workers) and constant capital (new machines, 
                 new material) progressively so as to not fall behind 
                 other competitors. This may result in the tendency 
                 for the rate of profit to fall because investments 
                 tend increase on the basis of new technologies and 
                 competition. This is not a vicious circle of logic 
                 but a step ladder. The OECD is the Organisation for 
                 Economic Co-operation and Development and is acting 
                 by reviews and forecasts, and through "soft law" for 
                 the market economy of all its member states, here: 
                 from welfare to workfare. Time of the Punk (Music) 
                 Explosion with referencies to the Situationists. 
                 According to legend Jimmy Page and Robert Plant 
                 (Led Zeppelin) are puzzled when visiting a Punk 

Early 1980s      Recession – Negative GDP growth in the USA. States 
                 begin to "pump" money into circulation.

1980s & 1990s    Exacerbated competition on the world market of single 
                 capital and national capital does not precipitate a 
                 big general economical crisis but has certain 
                 downscaling showing a capped economic crisis cycle. 
                 According to the International Labour Organisation 
                 growth rates of the World GDP in the early 1980s 
                 occasionally fell below 1%, in the mid-1980s and 
                 below the 3% mark at the beginning of the 21st 

~ 1991           For the first time the author about a "Hypermobile 
                 Class" which is naturally not a 'classical class' in 
                 terms of economics but a social class, a social 
                 stratification, a part of the class of workers or 
                 employees that is highly educated. In fact this group 
                 may be described as a sub-group or form of the 
                 working class enjoying a sort of cosmopolitan status, 
                 a group of privileged subjects, freelancers who are 
                 able to switch nations (the formal formation of 
                 national capital) and shift cultures (the habitual 
                 room of meanings inside a nation or a region). This 
                 circumstance causes a drift in identities.

1992             _Diversi, ma insieme_ [Different but together] from 
                 Milan write: "Inside the Fortress Europe a double 
                 function is intended for immigrants: an 'economical' 
                 role within the framework of the projects of the 
                 enterprisers for a deregulation of the labor market 
                 – here they have to fill the gaps of the shadow 
                 economy and a 'political-social' function as 'outer 
                 enemy', against whom a future european people's 
                 community is to form and to mobilise."

1999 ...         Signing of the _Bologna Declaration_ by Ministers of 
                 Education  from 29 European (and beyond) countries 
                 creating a "European Higher Education Area" (EHEA) to 
                 enhance the competitiveness of a realm inclusive 
                 Island, Turkey and Russia and other states by 
                 cutting down costs. The EHEA envisages among other 
                 things "to facilitate mobility of students" and 
                 "prepare students for their future careers and for 
                 life as active citizens in democratic societies". 
                 The label "Bologna Process" for this undertaking is 
                 a quite symbolic one since Bologna is home to the 
                 oldest university in the Western world founded in 
                 1088. Thus it adresses a historic layer as well as 
                 the discourse of a European centralisation on the 
                 superstructure that seeks to avoid Brain Drain. It 
                 appears as a reaction to the Human Capital Flight or 
                 emigration of an elite-to-be (including a sub-elite 
                 formed by the separating education system with 
                 bachelor and/or master degrees). The concept of 
                 deterritorialization does not seem to fit here. 
                 Article 14 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of 
                 the European Union guarantees the right to 
                 education. Of course the wage shares in the Euro 
                 Area and the USA as a percentage of GDP have 
                 decreased since the early 1990s, especially in 
                 Europe – from nearly 62% (1991) to about 57% (2005) 
                 with a continual downward trend. This, along with 
                 the general profit squeeze and progressively 
                 falling GDPs, raises costs for the social systems 
                 across the European Union (EU) occuring in 
                 unemployment and cutting welfare and social-security 
                 payments and seems to affect the educational system 
                 in the EU as a whole and fundamental rights and 
                 duties of citizens.

2000 - 2009      The EU de facto reintroduces the death penalty 
                 according to the Explanation 3. aka "'negative’ 
                 definitions" of "Article 2: Right to Life" of the 
                 _Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European 
                 Union_ regarding sentence 2 ("No one shall be 
                 condemned to the death penalty, or executed.") 
                 referring to the European Convention on Human 
                 Rights from 1953 ("The death penalty shall be 
                 abolished. No one shall be condemned to such 
                 penalty or executed."):
                 "Deprivation of life shall not be regarded as 
                 inflicted in contravention of this article 
                 [Art. 2] when it results from the use of force 
                 which is no more than absolutely necessary:
                 * in action lawfully taken for the purpose of 
                 quelling a riot or insurrection."
                 This information can be found via deeplink (a 
                 hyperlink that points to a specific page or file) 
                 to a PDF file named "Explanations relating to the 
                 complete text [...]" within the webpage containing 
                 the Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights 
                 of the EU. This negative definition entered formally 
                 as part of the law (!) into force on December 1, 
                 2009 after the Treaty of Lisbon. It is an expression 
                 of the fear of social frictions.

2002             "Alpha 3.4", the webwalking project is presented by 
                 tsunamii.net at the Documenta 11 in Kassel (Germany) 
                 in 2002. Tien Wei Woon, Charles Lim Yi Young and 
                 others from Singapore extrapolate by means of an 
                 online GPS-mapping the relations of the physical 
                 geographic space order to the order of the switching 
                 of IPs (Internet Protocol), the adresses in the 
                 locating system for dispatching within the WWW.

2003             Heath Bunting and others in 2003 offer "tour de 
                 fence" trainings in the "real world" related to the 
                 utopia of a virtuality demarcated internet or media 
                 space without borders. Remember that Singaporean 
                 students may easily get a (state) grant but they have 
                 to returm to their home state.

2004             About 14 billion US-Dollars are retransfered to 
                 Mexiko by migrant workers.

2006             Le Monde publishes photos by Juan Medina (Reuters) on 
                 the 10th of May showing an African refugee crawling 
                 through the rows of holiday makers on the beach of 
                 Fuerteventura, one of the Canary Islands in the 
                 Atlantic Ocean, off the west coast of Africa.

2008             A crisis of overproduction, which began in the 
                 construction and real estate sector, leads to unsold 
                 goods and is concealed by a "Financial Crisis" 
                 (banks deny credits to banks). It is followed by 
                 huge State Debts in most developed countries as a 
                 result of the turnover of the credit system into the 
                 monetary system (Business-to-business transaction 
                 invoices have to be settled with cash not credit). 
                 This results in giant state credits for the 
                 financial sector: according to the International 
                 Monetary Fund (2009) up to over 80% in France, over 
                 100% in Italy and to over 220% in Japan of GDP for 
                 the year of 2010.

2010 - now       The author Matze Schmidt outlines a simple but 
                 sophisticated list of historical data, dates and 
                 terms within a range of subjects from economics to 
                 migration in western perspective entitled the 
                 _Curriculum Vitae of Bologna Process_, as if it were 
                 the CV of a subject or persona but lacking a 
                 comprehensive listing of personal history or any 
                 real personal information. An author is a 
                 'post-heroic' factor, it is a non-dead fact. An 
                 acquaintance of the author says, that nobody is 
                 interested in _Second Life_ as a setting for a 
                 global non-national territory anymore except a 
                 friend of a friend, known to the author as well, 
                 who still believes in 3D. Beliefs in a technology 
                 driven intergalactic "Social Galaxy" seem to 
                 collapse because of contradictions with restraints. 
                 Whereas for instance with Google's technologies 
                 there is evidence to presume that sociation is 
                 happening. Export surplusses seem to be dearly 
                 bought with budget cuts though and even Google has 
                 dismissed staff. Prof Gundolf S. Freyermuth, a 
                 self-described "digital immigrant" (person born 
                 before ca. 1980) as opposed to a "digital native" 
                 (person born after ca. 1980) suggested during an 
                 interview on the 'old' medium of radio on August 19 
                 that cultures in nations which are open to what he 
                 calls the "digital future" will be more competitive. 
                 The phrase "digital immigrant" reproduces an 

                 ethnogical terminology and thinking. As a consequence 
                 of this a radical immigrant from the 
                 pre-personal-computer time-space who immigrated 
                 into the current 'digital' time-space had to settle 
                 in the most competitive territories of today – just 
                 as the digital native. One can call this the 
                 integrated but inter-national area. The SI called it 
                 the spectacle. Freyermuth has a ranch in Arizona.

(c) 2010 n0name

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