[rohrpost] 'COVER UP' Tape Modern No.16

Stefanie Reling mail at stefanie-reling.de
Die Jun 8 22:43:37 CEST 2010

Tape Modern No.16
Curated by Christopher Winter
with collaboration from Stephen Riolo.

Opening: Friday 11th June 7pm-2am
Address:  Heidestrasse 14, 10557 Berlin.

Tape Modern is proud to present the international group exhibition Cover-up
curated by Christopher Winter 

Tape Modern hosts one-night events that have over the past years established
themselves as an innovative platform for curated shows at the heart of the
Berlin Art Scene.

Cover-up will explore art which literally masks and hides true identity Many
motives and objectives inform this work; sexual: political, religious and

Leigh Bowery / Fergus Greer I Boris von Brauchitsch I Olaf Breuning
I Thorsten Brinkmann I Marcel Dzama (The Royal Art Lodge)

Dennis Feser I Andreas Fux I Linda King I John Kleckner I Robert OConnor
I Loukas Panayiotis I Sabine Reinfeld

Stefanie Reling / David Lee Burns I Sergio Roger I Eli Sudbrack (Assume
Vivid Astro Focus) I Jochen Twelker

Weitz / Volkmann I Frauke Wilken I Christopher Winter

A thread runs through contemporary art that has its roots in the theatrical
performances of Oskar Schlemmer. In the 1920s, Schlemmer engaged in three
years of practical research into the nature of non-naturalistic or abstract
stage space. This applied also to the human form. Schlemmer attempted to
recreate on stage the metaphysically resonant spaces which he depicted in
his paintings.

The body altering element that appears in the psycho-sexual work of Thorsten
Brinkmann and Dennis Feser becomes truly transformed and public for artists
like Leigh Bowery. His desire to challenge preconceived ideas of beauty and
gender using fashion and humour aims to shock and move boundaries.

Robert OConners work focuses on the language of the city such as posters and
billboard advertising. The photographs explore urban symbols, codes, image
subversion and how this type of altered media cuts a swath through the
usual. We live in a world that seamlessly blends fantasy with image and
physical reality.

There is now a generation of young artists who engage in covering-up. It is
not just confined to performance, photography or video but includes
painting. This is clearly illustrated by the work of Marcel Dzama,
Christopher Winter and Loukas Panayiotis. All the chosen artists depict the
covered human body, altering it's form in order to deconstruct and mask it's
natural appearance. This resonates strongly in our times of virtual worlds
and Internet identities.