[rohrpost] Alex Galloway - Intl Flusser Lecture, UDK Berlin,
Andreas Broeckmann
ab at mikro.in-berlin.de
Don Okt 9 10:29:17 CEST 2008
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 16:05:29 +0200
From: Marcel Marburger <marburg at udk-berlin.de>
Einladung zur International Flusser Lecture am 14.10.2008
Alexander R. Galloway: The Unworkable Interface
Interfaces are back, or perhaps they never left.
The familiar Socratic conceit from the Phaedrus
of communication as the process of writing
directly on the soul of the other has, since the
1980s and '90s, returned to center stage in the
discourse around culture and media. Windows,
doors, airport gates and other thresholds are
those transparent devices that achieve more the
less they do: for every moment of virtuosic
immersion and connectivity, for every moment of
volumetric delivery, of inopacity, the threshold
becomes one notch more invisible, one notch more
inoperable. In this lecture we will discuss the
interface, what Gérard Genette called a "zone of
indecision" between the inside and outside of
media. What is a computer interface and how does
it structure interaction, work, and play?
Alexander R. Galloway is an author and
programmer. He is a founding member of the
software collective RSG and creator of the
Carnivore and Kriegsspiel- projects. He is
co-author, with Eugene Thacker, of The Exploit: A
Theory of Networks (Minnesota, 2007) and teaches
at New York University.
Dienstag, den 14.10.2008 um 19.00 Uhr
Ort: Medienhaus der UDK (Aula), Grunewaldstr. 2-5, 10823 Berlin-Schöneberg
Eintritt: frei
Vortragssprache: Englisch
Moderation: Siegfried Zielinski