[rohrpost] Mobile Experience Master of Arts program, Augsburg Germany

Tamiko Thiel tamiko at alum.mit.edu
Fre Mai 11 14:43:27 CEST 2007

see below for English version


*Masterstudiengang* mit Spezialisierung *Mobile Experience*

*Bewerbungsfrist*: *15. Juni 2007*

*Mobile Experience *thematisiert technische wie gestalterische Aspekte 
mobiler Anwendungen auf multimediafähigen Handhelds 
wie z.B.

      - situationsabhängige *Spiele* und Dienstleistungen

      - interaktive *Installationen*

      - *Animationen* und Filme fürs Handy


Wechselwirkungen zwischen Realumgebung des Nutzers

und digitalem Angebot sind dabei von besonderem Interesse.




Studiendauer: 3 Semester

Abschluss: Master of Arts in interactive media systems


Informationen zu Ausbildungsprofil und Bewerbungsverfahren:



*Master course Mobile Experience*
univ. of applied sciences Augsburg


*application deadline: 15th June 2007*
Duration: 3 Semesters
Degree: master of arts in interactive media systems


Mobile experience focusses on the possibilities and consequences of 
mobile communication with multimedia-enabled portable devices.
Our research combines innovative technical solutions, creative 
conceptual ideas and an integral design approach in the fields of:


- *location-based* services, applications or games
- *context-related* services, applications or games
- *content*-development for mobile devices




Special attention is given to interaction and mutual relations between 
physical environment and digital supply. Both aspects are considered 
during the design process.


*For further informations concerning the apllication process*
please contact: Prof. KP Ludwig John (*john at fh-augsburg.de* 
<mailto:john at fh-augsburg.de>)