[rohrpost] Bleepfest Berlin 07.1 at c-base (Fri 30 Mar to Sun 1 Apr 2007)

gregor sedlag sedlag at snafu.de
Fre Mar 30 15:16:12 CEST 2007

Bleepfest Berlin 07.1
electronic and computer music demo days
create, play, dance

When: Fri 30 Mar to Sun 1 Apr 2007

Where: c-base e.V.  Rungestrasse 20, Berlin Mitte

What: Electronic and computer music demo days plus Enlightenment 
Sessions (pat pending*)

How: See below

How much: 6 euro a session (fri night, sat day, sat night etc), 9 
euro a day, 20 euro for whole fest.

Genres: A survey of what's happening

Who: Musicians, serious or bedroom - you? boppers, thinkers, etc.

Prizes!: There will be giveways including a free copy of Ableton Live 
6 which will be given away by draw on the Sunday.

Some more detail:
Bleepfest is a series of electronic and computer music demo days 
where, in addition to fully professional bands, we invite anyone who 
thinks they've done anything worthwhile or interesting to 
participate. This can take two forms: have stage time and go through 
the PA or stream your music by WLAN and be put over the PA invisably! 
Use our contact form if you would like stage time, stating what you 
do and any links you might have. Telling us if you'd like to be an 
invisible streamer is not essential but is recommended.

Who's coming so far:
No slots left (mar 9 07) alexandre decoupigny fr/sciss de , black 
mariah uk, juan cantizzani es, casaelectronovo de, chicanolive es, 
davidly usa/de deprogram au, eidkik uk, ekul au, evol i uk, 
explorations in tape uk, fe_bac uk, jack shirt gr, kid functional uk, 
lifeloop de , l.o. freq uk, Magma it/de, Mickael Schmack - fake 
masters de, ohmnoise de, pablo perezzarate mx, robot bathing 
usa/uk/de, syrens of spring de, schrift fisch au/de, peggy sylopp 
generative.org, soundart and the musicians de, the tupperware party 
usa, unkuenst de, van raveschot au/fr/de, video installation and 
support: carschti

Enlightenment Sessions:
We will have a series of workhops and talks under the subtext of 
Electronic Empowerment in the Arts which will highlight the existence 
of (mostly) Linux tools that enable people to make music or images 
without having to spend much or any money. We're calling for 
participants here too. Language can be English or German.

There are many nice places to stay in Berlin that are reasonably 
priced. Lette'm Sleep are giving Bleepfest artists and attendees 
special low rates in their apartments. If you're an artist contact us 
and if an attendee contact them, www.backpackers.de, 
info at backpackers.de, +49-(0)30-44733623.

Bleepfest friends:
Ableton Live 6, c-base, chaos computer club, das-drehmoment records, 
humboldt university info office!, ica, lette'm sleep, lollipop shop 
records, m station, lulu schmuckdesign, graefestrasse 75, kreuzberg


c-base e.V.
culture communication carbonite
Raumstation unterhalb Berlin
Rungestr. 20, 2. HH
10179 Berlin-Mitte
(U + S Jannowitzbruecke)

Fon: +49 (30) 28 59 93 00
