[rohrpost] G&GN-Wahlkampf: "AMERIKA IST NICHT ARMEERIKA"

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Die Okt 26 10:13:00 CEST 2004

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Betr.: Bruno Brachland (G&GN-Mitarbeiter), Essay vom 23.03.2003,
gewidmet Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore und Patti Smith:
"AMERIKA IST NICHT ARMEERIKA", siehe seit 1 Jahr online unter:
("Rheinische Brigade" Akte 5, Rubrik: Essays)

Deutsche Druckversion erstveroeffentlicht in Wollis Firebar-Clubmagazin:
"Flaechenbrand" Nr.1 (Thema: Frieden; Berlin im April 2003)

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Bruno Brachland (G&GN-institute, Berlin), 23rd, march 2003
© Copyleft free by Trademark ® POEMiE, Germoney
--> translated by Ní Gudix, 23rd, octobre 2004:


AMERICA is not ARMYRICA!!! There's one thing what makes me furious when I 
read the daily papers, and that is the identification of Mr Bush with his people. 
Meanwhile we know out of many alternative sources that there are 
OVERWHELMINGLY MANY people who stand up AGAINST Mr Bush and HIS campaign, even famous 
Hollywood actors whose invitations for the Oscars were, as a precaution, cancelled 
again... It's not "the image of America" that has to face loss, but the image 
of the PRESENT government which, in my view, is as insane as the Iraqi 
dictator himself who IS not "Iraq" as well but has raped his people. BOTH presidents 
are to be put into prison on some exile island where they can torture each 
other face to face while playing chess - or should I say, golf? - but spare the 
citizens of the world! Any war needs but TWO idiots that want to finish each 
other off in the first place, TWO mirrored fools offending each other in the 
most puerile manner but never would fight at the front themselves. IT'S ALWAYS 
THE OTHERS THAT ARE KINDLY ALLOWED TO DIE!!! (1) Earnestly: I'm pleading for 
courtmartialling Mr Bush as well: for not having tried and arrested Saddam 
Hussein, and ONLY Saddam Hussein (and his helpers), on legal means that have been 
sanctioned even by the United Nations Security Council! - but for having 
devastated a country and destroyed a culture instead and, above all, for troubling 
innocent people that don't only have to suffer from THEIR dictator but from 
OURS as well. There are people having friends all over the world - Konstantin 
Wecker [a famous german songwriter/singer] showed us that on his journey to Iraq. 
Either the Secret Services are even more incompetent as one has dared to 
suggest up to now - or the removal of Saddam isn't the primal aim after all. 
Whether there may exist even OTHER motives than just oil, as it is announced on the 
peace movement flyers, maybe some intrigue of secret global cliques, what 
only our grandchildren may discover in a hundred years - who knows? Sometimes one 
should try and reflect upon some completely absurd possibilities, rather than 
to believe anything the official propaganda tells us to believe. Perhaps 
George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein are in fact hand in glove with each other, 
playing war together and enjoy their status as war profiteers? Yes, that sounds 
crazy, and probably it's wrong, too - but any human being with the gift of pity, 
with visions and humanistic ideals should be frightened, shocked and depressed 
about the pure fact that again there is shooting and bombing, that again so 
much NEGATIVE ENERGY is tossed about! One could ask oneself if we really have 
already reached the 21st century... a new century to overcome the war century. 
A century of INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP, not one of imperialistic, unilateral, 
globalism, but one of intersolidarity. Such "interactive" solidarity we don't 
see in Mr Bush, neither when dealing with HIS OWN nor when dealing with the 
Iraqi people; nor we see it in Saddam vice versa. Both of them are completely 
incapable for political leadership, BOTH of them act and react out of a sectarian 
ivory-tower of pseudoreligious illusions, and both of them abuse their 
puppets for getting on the public's nerves with their private destructivity.
(1) one should possibly note here that conscentious objection only makes 
sense when the objector does not, as it is the case with fellow George W., act 
thirty years later as war-monger! Because Mr Bush did not participate then at the 
Vietnam war but preferred to stay at home, get sponsored by his daddy George 
H. W. Bush, and crack silly jokes - that this doesn't have anything to do with 
the notion of "NO VIOLENCE!" in GWB's case but that instead he simply likes 
to stand where he gets least problems, is now obvious. GWB's challenger John F. 
Kerry instead has been a soldier in Vietnam, then and thereby became active 
in the 1970s peace movement, and KNOWS WHAT WAR IS ABOUT!
(1) hier sollte vielleicht noch eingefuegt werden, dass 
Kriegsdienstverweigerung nur dann sinnvoll ist, wenn der Betreffende nicht, wie es Genosse George 
W. tut, dreissig Jahre spaeter als Kriegstreiber handelt! Denn Bush war 
seinerzeit nicht im Vietnamkrieg dabei, er zog es vor, zuhause zu bleiben, von seinem 
Papa George H.W. Bush ausgehalten zu werden und bloede Witze zu reissen - 
doch dass er mit "Gewaltfreiheit" im Grunde nichts zu schaffen hat, sondern sich 
nur immer am liebsten auf der Seite befindet, wo er selbst am wenigsten 
Probleme hat, sehen wir jetzt. GWBs Herausforderer John F. Kerry hingegen war in 
Vietnam, wurde dann und dadurch in den 1970ern zum Friedensdemonstranten und 

German text first published in: Wolli's "Firebar" club magazine
"FLAECHENBRAND" #1 (4/03) under the topic PEACE also online
under: "Rheinische Brigade" Akte 5 (rubric: essays) - see below: 


**Selber kein Geld? Dann helfen Sie uns mit IHREM PERSOENLICHEN 
Solidaritaetskommentar, der (falls erwuenscht: anonym) in unserem VORLETZTEN NEWSLETTER 
Ende Dezember 2004 publiziert wird...