[rohrpost] *** italian embassies mailbot ***
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 19:19:12 +0200
in genoa a protester has been killed by paramilitary police.
this is a very simple mailbot targeted at italian embassies.
feel free to modify and please install on your own server...
-------- begin mailbot.php --------
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15; URL=mailbot.php">
<title>mailbot</title><body bgcolor=black text=white><tt>
$to = "ambitalia.min@t-online.de, ambitalia.pol@t-online.de,
ambitalia.stam@t-online.de, ambitalia.emigrazione@t-online.de,
ambitalia.cultura@t-online.de, ambitalia.comm@t-online.de";
$subject = "MOERDER!";
$body = "In Genua wurde heute ein Demonstrant von der Polizei
erschossen und ueberfahren.\n\nIch fordere den sofortigen
Ruecktritt der italienischen Regierung.";
$headers = "From: rolux@rolux.org";
$sent = mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);
if ($sent == true)
echo "mail has been sent";
echo "error";
-------- end mailbot.php --------